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500zeny 21UX cintiq rebate

polycounter lvl 17
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SubPablo polycounter lvl 17

And just in time for tax returns! -offer ends April 30th. Think they're clearing these out in preparation for a new model? Maybe it'll be a thiner format like the 12wx models with some of the innards removed and stuffed in a separate box?


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yup just got that aswell! It really smells like a new model is coming up, but I sure hope not for a 12wx-like tho ... this thing is pretty but interferes with itself!! The 12wx cursor is more stable when its screen is off, kindof stupid...
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    Excellent, thanks for the heads up. Hopefully this news will help push my equipment request through the financial powers-that-be at work.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Seems that the powers that be decided to manually drop the price of the Cintiq 21UX permanently, this time.


    $1999! Are they out of their mind?
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I've been pushing to get a 12wx at my place. I'd prefer the portability over the larger screen of the others. Is the cursor responsiveness that bad for others who have used them?
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    I don't think the responsiveness is bad. The only trouble I've had is the pen stops tracking sometimes, so I have to restart the puter. Its quite annoying.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I had that problem with the regular tablets, but it seemed to come and go with different drivers. maybe something didn't get uninstalled properly during updates?
  • Mark Dygert
    I tried out a Cintiq 12WX (the tiny tablet version) yesterday. I fell in love I'll be picking one up soon. I also tried out it's big brother and still found it to be bulky, heavy and hot.

    As for the tracking thing does that happen with your regular tablet? I had issues where the tablet driver service would just shut off and I would loose pressure sensitivity and have to restart the service. Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Tablet Service Wacom > Right Click > Stop > Ignore Warning > Start.

    I never did figure out what was shutting it off, but it might be a similar issue for you?
    It seems to be working fine lately... crosses fingers...
  • jpgourley
    Looks like this is a great time to finally break down and pick up a Cintiq. If only I can get to the tax rebate before the wife. :shifty:

    I've had the same problem occasionally with the driver on my small wacom, where I would lose pressure sensitivity. Restarting the service has seemed to work for me as well.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    new model coming.. with touch support, use a pen or fingers... i smell i phone esque interaction..

  • Mark Dygert
    Nice to see them innovate, but I wonder how they'll handle hand dragers? Something tells me its not headed to the high end graphics users, but aimed at the sub-bamboo users?
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the advice on the driver issues dudes. I've tried to address it before, but I'll look into the stuff you said next time it craps out :) thanks
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    arshlevon wrote: »
    new model coming.. with touch support, use a pen or fingers... i smell i phone esque interaction..


    Awesome!! I can't wait for this, especially since I always seem to forget my pen. I'm a pretty harsh critic when it comes to wacom but lately they've been really warming up to me. The price drop on the 21ux and now this new tech.

    Has anyone heard of this yet? Wireless monitors and usb are at their early stages of hitting the market. I hope wacom gets this going on their cintiqs!!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Or better yet make the logical step of making a Wacom branded tablet PC with all the pressure sensitivity and face buttons that one would expect from such an item. Wireless would be a step forward though. The mass of cables (5 seperate cables for one periferal. I mean really. 5?) that come with the 12 inch Cintiq weigh as much as the tablet itself.
  • Michael Knubben
    Awesome!! I can't wait for this, especially since I always seem to forget my pen. I'm a pretty harsh critic when it comes to wacom but lately they've been really warming up to me. The price drop on the 21ux and now this new tech.

    First off, what are you critical of? Wacom's regular range of tablets has proven itself to be very good, and most of all: they last for ages.
    And I honestly think you're expecting far too much from painting with your fingers. I can't see it being a replacement for a pen anytime soon, if ever.
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    I was mostly critical of price but now they're pricing for the mass market. I won't get into all my issues here because i sound like a grump old man ;)

    The cool thing about touch screen without a pen is not to replace the pen with your fingers but to give you the option of using a generic nib. If I'm guessing right I think they'll use similar tech to what the DS screen uses. This means far better pointer to nib calibration and likely no jitters! It also means multi-touch. Imagine being able to set up your own customizable keys right on the screen. So one hand holds the pen and the other can press custom hot keys. The possibilities are endless.
  • Michael Knubben
    Their cheapest tablet (bamboo one) is an excellent piece of kit, and sets you back... well, about as much as a gamers mouse, I imagine.
    Also, I don't see tech similar to that of the DS giving anywhere near Wacom's current accurate pressure sensitivity, and jitters are an issue on the ds as well. Not that larger scale might not solve that, but I'm just wondering what makes you think (well, 'guess') that they'd go with something similar to that?
    Another thing about the ds that just popped into my head: It's actually surprisingly shit with fingers, heh.

    Anyway, we're just guessing wildly, but I was curious as to your reasoning behind the guess :)
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