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Vector to 3d?

Hey guys,

I know this has been discussed before, but I was wondering if any of you could share their workflow for converting vectors to polygonal shapes?
The only two ways I know of and have used are .ai (Adobe Illustrator) imported into Wings, and svg/eps/ps/ imported into Blender, but both are problematic for different reasons.

Wings --for some truly bizarre reason-- won't work on my new pc, claiming a lack of openGL drivers, whereas every other openGL application works without a hitch. I've come to accept it, and would really prefer not to fuck around with my current setup to get it to work. Nevertheless, I've used it to achieve this in the past and gotten it to work, although not always with perfect results.
Importing Inkscape's svg's into Blender isn't working very well for me right now, given me quite a jumbled result. This also highlights the facts that Inkscape apparantly can't apply a 'Union'-path command on more than two objects at once. This is a pain in the arse. I've also tried exporting as a ps (not an adobe ps:error) and eps, but gotten either the same result, or no result at all.

Does anyone ever use this, and do they want to share their technique?



  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    What about DXF? It's rather standard for blueprints to 3d conversion in many cad studios.
    (got yourself a new-new puter? My clone of yours from 2 years ago still runs like a charm, what did you replaced/updated?)
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