i'll say the left arm is hidden alitl bit too much with the wing in the background so I would rotate the wing up so you have a better silhouette. cant wait to see the finished product.
The current pose looks a bit awkward due to so much weight being to the right of her body. I think the wing needs to be slightly more behind and above her.
I think it looks great with one wing. Why say add another wing? Its obviously been left this way for stylistic reasons, its not an accident or something.
i really like them, #the middle pose is abit odd though too thick around the waste and the neck seams shortened and too low forward also increasing the size of the head by roughly 110% seams to sort some other scale issues out
I think it looks great with one wing. Why say add another wing? Its obviously been left this way for stylistic reasons, its not an accident or something.
not entirely happy with the way it came out. Any ideas on what to improve regarding the coloring?
a more Ghost in the Shell approach
Zephir: what are you hoping to do in terms of end results?
whoops weird double post, IE went loopy on me