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3DS Max problem...

polycounter lvl 18
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snemmy polycounter lvl 18
Okay, while working on my DomWar entry the mesh started to behave weirdly. I can only select the mesh from the elbow to the wrist... Makes it difficult to work with..


And then there's that little white dot.. It's not a vertex and doesn't change size when I zoom but it's part of the mesh but not selectable. It disappears when I delete the mesh.
I've tried to merge my old scene with a fresh one, doesn't change anything. Exporting the mesh as 3ds and importing doesn't fix the selection problem.

At the same time this occurred I started to have a problem with viewing the mesh. Zooming too close makes the torso mesh disappear, like I zoomed past it, but the torso armor (separate object) is still viewable and it's in front of the torso. AND sometimes the perspective view screws up. I go to turn the scene and everything disappears. Zoom extents and all that do nothing. I've restarted Max a few times and nothing fixes it. Checked all the properties and viewport configs... Nada....

Ugh... of course something like this happens a week before the DomWar deadline AND when I am doing this entry for a class assignment..


  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Have you tried updating your video card drivers and installing the latest service pack? If so I would try exporting it as an obj, creating a new scene, reset scene, and importing your obj. I have never had this problem but it sounds like a display driver/service pack issue. Best of luck.
  • Mark Dygert
    Reset xform?
    Have you clicked remove unused verts?
    Have you exported as obj and re-imported?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    The 'attach to new box' method is worth a try as well. I've hit instances where resetXform doesn't clear errors, while attaching the object to a new box works. Strange stuff.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the suggestions. I had tried reset X-Form and attaching to a new object. After exporting to OBJ and importing that it said "four identical points in face" and a single vertex was stretched out to the world origin, extending from where I could not select above. So i went back to the original, selected all verts and welded at .001m. That removed four verts and fixed my problem. It fixed the issue with the zoom as well.

    So... LOLWTF?! These programs are screwy sometimes.. O.o;;
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    snemmy wrote: »
    So i went back to the original, selected all verts and welded at .001m. That removed four verts and fixed my problem.

    I do the low threshold weld thing all the time as I frequently have issues with the "strange verts that wont die" in Max.
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