Hi, I haven't tried it yet, but this soft seems interesting:
3d Brush (and not
this , which looks quite cool too - but more useless for us ) now called 3D coat .. basically after 5 millions poly, it uses a normal map instead of splitting polygons...
now I'm no specialist, but wouldn't it be possible to make a software that would allow us to work on our low poly model with a UVmap, use the same toolset as in zbrush or mudbox, but actually always working on a low poly model, all the brush strokes would only affect the normal map... that way , we wouldn't need the transfert from high to low poly .. it would be completely
wysiwyg .. ?
Per> you say it has been done? do you know such a software that could be downloaded somewhere?? I'm pretty curious..
I guess it may not be that intuitive, but It should pretty worthy, once used to it..