Heyya guys, i have a whole week off school so i thought i'd do something fun!
sculpting form out in Z brush, then going to retopologize and create my base model that i use for animation and all that in zbrush. Then i'll unwrap him in an external program, bring him back into zbrush and do all the texture work in there.
Here's some shots of the base sculpt before i start doing the base model.
As for the limbs.. i want them to be a bit sknnier... maybe i just dont understand the right way to pull of toonistic/stylistic proportions yet... time to go learn how.
you should take some time and research various toon styles to see they they do or do not work,
nice model
I added some teeth and a tongue to him recently but havn't taken any more photos of him. Still working on the face to give him more of a japanese look... I really like the way he is turning out, i might keep the shaders simple to maintain the cartoony look. We'll see what happens.
Right around his armpits, they seem to bow downwards towards the chest.Are you going to sculpt him? I added in a couple different things such as gloves, more straps for his armor, longer grey hair, and a tattered cloth so he can wipe the blood from his hands and face after he rips some bitches up! I know you are in the early process of the character, but I hope this helps! KEEP IT UP!
He kinda looks like scorpion
I figured i'd just sculpt in all of the straps onto the base body mesh, and add stuff like cloth straps later. Right now i'm rigging up the mouth, but i might stop to make some more changes.
Thanks for the paintover dude! looks awesome as usual! BTW where are you working now?
did a basic mouth test.
download the 2.85 MB avi. here.
i think i need to add some more expressions to his repatoir if i'm going to be using this guy to do shorts and all that. He needs a wider range of facial movements.