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Modding for UT3 ? look here->

i was lurking in this forum for a while and i noticed there are people with a lot of skill in creating characters and objects in here.

this site -> http://evilengine.net/forum/index.php is specialized for making UT3 characters / models.

If you want to show your skill or help the UT3 community with your amazing skill, feel free to help our community and show us your work.

Take a look at the site it contains models like Spawn, Terminator, Batman ect.


  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Yes, maybe we can get some more info on "Veteran Concept Artists" such as these.

    In all seriousness, this is A) In the wrong thread, and B) It is impolite to join a forum only to make (1) post and attempt to steer traffic to YOUR site. I doubt this thread makes it to the morning. Would it be ok if I bombed your forum with threads pointing people back here?

    And in other news - What's the point of this forum again? All I see are fanboys high-fiving each other in the "Introduce yourself" forum. You didn't even do that here.
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    I don´t think this guy is Evil_Engine.
    He´s usually pretty serious and wouldn´t make these kind of posts.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    I have never even heard of EE before this. Still don't know and really still don't care.

    Lock this as it seems to have no use at all.
  • GSX600F
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    Wou, wait a minute dont get me wrong, i dont want to make advertising for the forum i posted, its not mine, im a simple user over there.

    i had no bad intents at all, im just interessted in UT3 moddels and maps and i remembered the good old polycount site (i used to download quake 3 characters and maps here long time ago) and i thought take a look at the forums if there are any people who are interessted in making great stuff for UT3.

    i really appologize if it came across wrong :\

    well like i said, if there are any creators who are interessted in doing some UT3 stuff, you are welcome.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    So, did this EE guy actually model and texture these characters or did he just port them from other games?
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I can't get the site to load, it's giving me a 403 forbidden

    this only makes me want it more
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Isn't Evil_Engine an old polycounter, like pre board change? I could be wrong, I'm always getting screen names confused around here.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Forbidden! link
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Isn't Evil_Engine an old polycounter, like pre board change? I could be wrong, I'm always getting screen names confused around here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EvilEngine was an old member here. I helped him with a custom UT2k4 character model several years ago. Nice guy. Not sure if this forum is his.

    edit: yeah, same guy laugh.gif awesome.
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