I'm still watching what it offers but already am very happy with the new polygon tools. Soft selection that built right into translate tools with visual size adjustment! Symmetry that's pretty smart, multi tools that can select vertice/edge/face all in 1 and double click to select edge loops
These little features I've always loved XSI/lightwave for.
If so, making people pay for bog-standard tools seems pretty fucking shitty.
The features shown in these videos are only available to Subscription customers, in Maya 2008 Extension 2
[/ QUOTE ]
Multi-selection should be nice. Will have to see if we can get this update at work, should be useful.
Always wondered why the renamed 8.5 to 2008 without any changes.
(edit, except the multi select mode which sounds interesting.. still..)
there is some cool stuff, but i still don't think any of the features replace nex as a package, the beta has some new cool features as well.
i told the guy from autodesk that its not 1994 anymore and maya needs a connect and target weld.
Also I would love to know how to turn off the annoying way vertices always appear even if you are in edge or faces mode.
[woah nevermind found it, seems like i was stuck in soft selection mode, hence the yellow stuff. I guess thats what you get by implementing a new tool but not giving any UI feedback about it... Still get some weird colors tho...]
And where is automatic tumble on components? Still not here?