Sometimes a human is the most terrible monster.
Genres and target audienceGenre: Survival horror action.
Target audience: 17+
Features (as compared to the original game):
1. A completely different story, with possibility of non-linear passage inside locations.
2. New characters, enemies, weapons
3. Deep immersion into the game process
4. Completely new setting.
Gameplay is divided by three basic types (horror, stealth, action), that change depending on the game situation, weather and time of day (in game). For example, when the player is in the dense fog, he doesn't see what's coming, so his speed drops, and his orientation in the space suffers.
There always will be game characters near the player, and they will help him find solutions in the difficult situations.
Game setting.
2003 A.C.
The government of USA spends huge amounts of money on the development of new kinds of weapon under the guise of terrorism fighting. These new weapons allow to destroy the opponent's manpower without involving into the direct war conflict.
2007 A.C.
The psychotropic weapon tests begin in the remote, underpopulated regions of the country. This kind of weapon affects people's mind, temporarily changing their world perception. A human affected by this weapon begins to take all other living forms for "monsters", while all his perceptions - sight, touch, smell and hearing - are completely real. The weapon's effect isn't regular, so the group of people who were near each other when being affected doesn't notice any changes and percieve each other adequately.
This weapon allows to destroy the opponent's manpower quickly and effectively, from the safe distance.

This mod tells the story of three ordinary men who were involved into the experiment on this weapon's influence on the people. None of them is a hero, nobody saves the world, they are all just victims of circumstances. And hereby, every one of them uncovers his true nature.
Looking for:High skilled Modeler
* 3Ds MAX, Zbrush
* Texturing
* making buildings, cars, natural structures(trees, rocks etc) and other props.
If it interesting to you, please send examples of your works to e-mail: Bizslava(dog)yandex.ru or Bizslava(dog)gmail.com
News and updates: http://www.moddb.com/mods/parallel1