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My Portfilio - Crit Please.

polycounter lvl 16
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Dazzer13 polycounter lvl 16
Here is my first portfilio. Sorry about spellin, its only just been made and i will get it proof read wink.gif.


Still got a few things to add like a demoreel, but i would like to get crits about the site and content.

<font color="red"> If it loads slowly it problerly due to my FTP source </font>(M8's Home Server) Going to look at getting a deditcated one in the near future.



  • dnorth
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    dnorth polycounter lvl 18
    The link in your current post is broken. The url is pointing to this:
    instead of:
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Add the http:// to the front of your link. The boards break it otherwise wink.gif

    Update: Check your spelling. It will sends the wrong message when you mispell currently.
    So far it's looking good, but it was hard to navigate very long due to your hosting (as you mentioned). So, I didn't get very far :/
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Too many pages and sub pages. I need to see a thumbnail and be able to reach this http://xunzi.ath.cx/dazzer13/Art/3D%20Fa...%20Textured.jpg in one click right from the first page.
  • Noisybast
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    Noisybast polycounter lvl 18
    Yep. My main problem with this is the appalling spelling and grammar. I know you're not looking for work as a writer, but it just looks sloppy and unprofessional. It only takes a couple of minutes to run all your text through a spell-checker before you put it on your site. If it's putting me off reading it, you can bet it'll put the people you're trying to impress off, too.
  • Dazzer13
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    Dazzer13 polycounter lvl 16
    Cheers, Thanks for all the crits. I will check spelling, going to run it through WORD wink.gif.

    Might change the first page to have quick links to work.

    I will sort out the FTP asap.

    Cheers Again

    p.s. Thanx dnorth for sorting out the broken link laugh.gif
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Well its been over 40 days since your last post about fixing the errors and the spelling still looks terrible. Every page has at least 2 spelling errors (even the ones with only 10 words on them). Hell, even the pages with no words and only images have typos like the "Tutorails" button. Your own name is spelt wrong as well in the profile section.
    Your CV even says you're a expert at using Microsoft Word and you use it "allot" of the time. Well it doesn't show. Did you disable those red squiggly lines that highlight incorrect words?

    It doesn't take long to fix and I don't see why it's still not done, especially considering the fact that you put it up here for crits. It makes you seem lazy and not bothered about the presentation of your portfolio at all.

    Aside from that, there are still some things that are getting in the way:
    The front page "welcoming" me is pretty useless, should put your best work somewhere on here. Actually the "Art gallery" makes a better front page than your current one.
    I also think you're CV is too long (4 pages), should try to minimize it to 2 pages max with all the relevant information.

    The "links" page is not something that should be on your portfolio I think, or maybe you should combine the useful links with your "tutorails" section.

    It would also be smart to put your contact email somewhere on the front page as well, maybe in the footer along with the copyright text or just under the "contact" button. Or, replace the contact button with your email and then put your contact information with your profile.
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Well everyone's critiqued your website, and I don't have much more to add. Just a couple quick comments on your work, however.


    Suitable display font style for headings but there is no cohesive alignment within the piece. Some pages have center alignment, others are left aligned, pictures are helter-skelter in relation to the body text and it looks like you even used text-wrap with some of the images - which is fine, but not when you've got such small bodies of text. The text, when used with text-wrap, should form a smooth contour of the image. Also, I think the leading could be loosened up abit.

    Seems to be some issues separating the foreground elements with the background - as far as photographs vs. the wash you have going on in the background. The BG is a little too saturated which competes with the pictures for attention. Either desaturate those or daken them up abit - also helps the words stand out more.

    In short, the graphic pieces are just really chaotic without any form of hierarchy, whether its layout or colour.


    Shoulders of your exodey character are unusually bulbous. The Pharaoh's legs are a little stubby compared to the length of his arms. Which is fine, if it was a stylistic look you were going for but judging from the textures, i think he's supposed to look realistic. The bust is teh best piece in my opinion. In short, I think you need to pay a little more attention when it comes to anatomy and proportion. Environmentally speaking, I'm not an expert but it looks good to me.

    When showing off wireframes, try not to have them triangulated. It's much easier to see the flow when the polys are kept in quads.
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