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Brett Favre walks away from the NFL...

polycounter lvl 17
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Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
I'm sure a lot of you guys already saw this but Brett Favre announced his plans to retire. I hate to see him go. To me he is one of the last great quarterbacks to play the game. A true gunslinger and a guy that played the game the way it should be played, every sunday in pain or not.

Thank you Brett for the many years of triumph and amazing plays you have made. You will be missed...


  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    Woohoo! Maybe the Lions can win the division now...

    Hey! A guy can dream can't he?!?!

    But yeah he'll be missed. Was a joy to watch him play. Looked like he almost always had fun out on the field, too.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    I don't believe it. I mean I do, obviously. But it just seems that something happened and no, it wasn't the Randy Moss non-sign rumor. It just seems that he's not quite done with Football yet.

    If he is though, it was a legendary career.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Woohoo! Maybe the Lions can win the division now...

    Hey! A guy can dream can't he?!?!

    But yeah he'll be missed. Was a joy to watch him play. Looked like he almost always had fun out on the field, too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hhaha, that's basically what I was about to say... Good riddance, now maybe the Lions can beat the Packers wink.gif

    In all honesty, he's a great quarterback and I know the people of Wisconsin are going to miss him.
  • super_villain
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    super_villain polycounter lvl 11
    As a dedicated bears fan, I have to point out that we beat him both times we played him in his last season, muhahahaha! Dwell on that, buddy. In all fairness though, he was a great quarterback, he broke all kinds of records in his last season, and I think it's the right time to walk away.
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