Here is the work I have been doing on my entry. She is going to be a vegetation summoner. She with ride a giant borrowing vine with a thorny root-like mouth. She will conjure ethereal vines from her palms. Her artifact will be an aztec like sculpted stone totem strapped to her back.
with her head (about 10 hours in):
You model is coming along quite well. She does show the signs of having been built from a very geometric object though - her physique, particularly the torso, breasts and buttocks are still quite boxy. Concentrate on the silhouette and make sure she's nice and rounded. You've got plenty of geometry to play with so theres no need to skimp where you you really need the extra edges.
This is a pic of her mount I dub vine wyrm:
And this is a pick of the totem sans sculpted details, in its pack attached to her back: