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Another portfolio - 3D Artist

polycounter lvl 17
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LoTekK polycounter lvl 17

I recently got around to redoing my portfolio site, and figured since there's already a trend of portfolio reviews, why not put mine up for the slaughter as well? tongue.gif

My main computer's currently dead and in servicing, so I'll only be able to make minor changes til it gets back in a few days, but any crits and suggestions are more than welcome.

Two tentative plans I wanted to get input on:

1. I was wondering if I should have a WIP tab that goes on top of the 3D tab. This would show the most current thing I'm working on, though the first thing to load in the main content area will be my best finished piece.

2. Also, I'm considering putting a page with miscellaneous 2d and 3d stuff, a la pior's site (link will be below all the 3d thumbs in the sidebar, opening a page of smaller images in the main section, probably lightboxed or something). Any thoughts on those two points?


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    looks fine, got a resume?
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    I do, though it doesn't have much in the way of industry stuff. Also, my backups are currently over on my mate's computer, so I won't have the resume up until probably later tonight (in pdf format... in-browser may have to wait til tomorrow or later in the week, depending on when I have time to type it up and format it).

    Heh, with your reputation of portfolio crits, I'm rather pleasantly surprised with your response. smile.gif
  • StJoris
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    I like it, nice lowpoly work smile.gif
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    My only crit is that clicking the thumbnails on the side opens a new browser window each time, with that menu on the side again. I didn't even notice it at first, but when I went to close the window, there were like 6 of them. (I'm using Firefox, I don't know if it does it in other browsers) Other than that though, good stuff.
  • Noisybast
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    Noisybast polycounter lvl 18
    Portfolio's fine, but you've got a typo on the title for Altair (missed out the 'l'). smile.gif
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    As far as I know that you do good low poly stuff...they are fine...except "Atair"
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Your work has a pretty narrow focus, but given the nature of the industry, that probably isn't an issue. And the work that you are displaying shows clear improvement over time. The general style is a bit on the simple side, but again, I don't really think that hurts it at all. It goes well with the smaller-spec models that you make.

    I definitely think it would be good to go back and punch it up a bit more as you continue making new models. Maybe just throw in some small graphical upgrade evertime you post a new model. But for right now, it definitely gets the job done.
  • vertexguy
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    You've got some nice low poly work on there. As far as your two questions, I'd recommend a WIP section because it shows that you are pro active at continuing to create content. It can also give viewers an idea of your work flow.

    On a side note, its clear you can model efficiently, but unless your target is cell phone game companies, I would work on some mid and high poly things as well to broaden your scope. Character work in particular is a hard job to land and it tends to be very bias to high poly 3d + zbrush / mudbox.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments so far smile.gif
    Flysoup: That's strange, I've been testing in Opera, IE, Firefox, and Safari (both XP and OSX), and there haven't been any cases of new windows opening up. The links should load the page in the same window/tab (I meant to have the "current" model being viewed greyed out and non-clickable in the navigation, but I haven't gotten that far with the php yet).

    Noisyblast, pliang: Doh! Can't believe I missed that, lol. Thanks for the heads up, typo's been fixed.

    Richard: Thanks, good suggestion. I'm actually planning to revisit a couple of the models in due time to add more sexy.

    Chris: Thanks. You're probably right about the narrow scope currently. To be honest, I'm trying to get work doing 3D for handhelds (DS/PSP) and mobiles, hence the focus of the work currently on display. Once I get my computer back from servicing, I'll be getting some shots of some higher-poly models up on the portfolio as well.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Good layout dude. Nice, focused and no BS :-) I may have to rip you off eventually. And it's minor, but I really appreciate the highlighting border on the thumbnails.

    I know you have an alternate skin for Chunky, might want to throw that in if you're comfortable. Mobile companies like asset reuse.

    Hope to see a "new job" thread from you in GD eventually!
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