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Animated prop in HL2

polycounter lvl 19
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TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
Ok, so its obviously apparent that I'm trying to learn how to make prop models for HL2 if you saw my last post.
This time I'm trying to get a prop model with animations working. I managed to get the model to show up in the editor fine, but the animation sequence isn't working. I exported the scene a second time and chose skeleltal animation for the smd option so it should work fine, so I'm guessing the problem is in my QC file somewhere.

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>$modelname brutal/props/fight_scene.mdl

$cdmaterials models/brutal/props
$surfaceprop "stone"
$scale 1.0

$body studio "F:/Brutal/Models/SMDs/props/fight_scene_ref"

$sequence idle "F:/Brutal/Models/SMDs/props/fight_scene_ref" loop fps 30
$sequence fight "F:/Brutal/Models/SMDs/props/fight_scene_anim" loop fps 30

$collisionmodel "F:/Brutal/Models/SMDs/props/fight_scene_ref.smd" {
$Mass 100
</pre><hr />

The only other thing I can think of is if there's some sort of limit to the number of frames the sequence can have. The entire sequence is 1680 frames.

Any ideas on what I might need to do to fix this?

Thanks again!


  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    I'm not an environment guy, but maybe try $propdynamic instead of $staticprop?
  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Try commenting out the "$staticprop" line in the qc
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    Well, at first I was thinking I was a total idiot for not noticing that one myself (teach me to copy and paste qc files) but without the $staticprop command it won't compile. It gets as far as referencing the smds and then just stops. Soon as I put it back in, it will compile again.

    G:\Steam\steamapps\torquemod\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin>studiomdl F:\Brutal\Models\SM
    qdir: "f:\brutal\models\smds\props\"
    gamedir: "g:\steam\steamapps\torquemod\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\"
    g_path: "fight_scene"
    Working on "fight_scene.qc"
    SMD MODEL fight_scene_ref.smd
    SMD MODEL F:/Brutal/Models/SMDs/props/fight_scene_ref.smd
    SMD MODEL F:/Brutal/Models/SMDs/props/fight_scene_anim.smd


    And $propdynamic isn't a command you can use.
    Any ideas now?
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    are there other dynamic props you can copy/paste from?

    try reducing frame count? i got nuthin
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    I actually found out that the problem was with two many bones in the scene, so I had to separate it into pieces and do it that way. Apparently there's no frame limit to speak of cause I got one of the models working with 1640 frames. (thought it was 1680, but it was 1640)

    So now I just have to link each of the pieces to a root bone and export it like that. Should be fairly easy.

    Thanks guys!

    Oh, and the $staticprop was causing the problem smile.gif
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