Heyall. I'd like to improve my rendering skills. Like using the mentalray SSS shader for example. However I'm finding it difficult to find good tutorials that aren't high level and instead have direct examples of usage.
How are you all getting into this stuff? I'm sure there are some awesome tutorials somewhere...
I suppose I should also mention that I've come across some that were written for earlier maya versions like 6.0. The first result in google is for some hideous alien guy I can barely look at nevermind feel comfortable using as an example. (
is getting vray
(sorry, only found vray for max)
you could also try betatesting for maya ahaha^^
I grabbed vray but it almost seems like a cop out for not learning mental ray in maya.
you can use a texture to control some of the things like scale conversion factor, while this isn't "physically" accurate it'll help you get more scattering or a softer look in areas you want. putting a bitmap inside of an output node is similar to multiplying it by a scalar in UE3 except you have some curve control. (i know this is at the bottom of every bitmap node but if you use these you can instance your textures without worrying about the output settings)
The scale of your model really does affect how this shader looks, if you're not getting what you want, mess with that scale conversion value.
You may not need to create a texture for every slot, sometimes can duplicate your diffuse to your subdermal layer and use the output node to intensify the reds or make it darker etc...
If you have any specific questions about using mental ray or it's shaders I think this would be a good spot to post them.
Soon I hope to get into how to use the more basic shaders that are MR Specific like the dielectric junk or whatever it's called, hopefully it will result in more control and craziness!
More or less no. The max to MR translations done are very good now and some of the legacy stuff is slower.
http://mentalraytips.blogspot.com/ is another great resource. He's also posted a lot of good stuff at CGTalk, particularly in the lighting challenge forum, but it's sort of hard to dig out the informative stuff out of a forum after awhile.