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Best Game Engine to use?

OK, so I'm trying to get a few people together to concept a game idea out, there will be much magic, flying, weapons, guns, swords and all that good stuff. But I can't figure out what game engine to work with... I was thinking that Oblivion would be a simple solution to this, but i am still unsure and have a few questions...

Did they use the same construction set in TES: Oblivion as they did in TES:Morrowind?

And if so, are there any changes, updates, or problems I should look for, specifically things that are different in Oblivion compared to Morrowind. For example normal mapping, polycounts, ect?

thanks for your help, also, if you know of a better engine to use let me know! Thanks again


  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    I think "Best" is something that nobody can answer. If this is for commercial production, then you really have to dive into what features are already provided vs. what will have you come up with on your own.

    If this is a garage game of you and your buddies will flesh out and you are serious about doing it, your best bet is to find something that is a good sandbox and figure out what features you are going to have to cut from your concept.

    I only know about a couple engines, but I know how modding goes, and realistically sometimes you have to cut a lot of stuff you want to do unless you have a handful of dedicated programmers who know the code of whichever engine you are looking to use.
  • Fraya713
    this is more of a for fun, "see if we can do it" project. the group is all students, and we just thought it'd be cool to try it out. My reasoning behind choosing the construction set to Morrowind/oblivion is because there are a lot of mod's already created for oblivion so I didn't think it would be too difficult to figure the construction set out.

    I guess my real question is this, Is the construction set they used in Oblivion the same as the construction set that comes with Morrowind. I've heard they were, but each game (though pushing the limits of visuals for it's time) are two very different looking games. so if any of you have toyed around with the construction set that comes with morrowind or even some sites that have tutorials, let me know, i could use some pointers.
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    I'd say use Unreal...I really don't know engines too well, but I know that Unreal has loads and loads of documentation, and doesn't require too much programming beyond UT Script (which apparently, is fairly easy to learn. Plus, UT3 is pretty easy to get ur hands on (just buy it)
  • Fraya713
    cool thanks! i'll see if i can get it and tinker around with it, I'll probably play around with a few others and see which i like best. Thanks for your help guys
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I'd personally recommend Source. It has a lot of great editing tools, as well as compatability with free 3D editors like SoftImage Mod Tool. I'm rather big on scripted sequences, and in that regard, Source is pretty much King. (Face Poser is freaking awesome)
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    XSI Mod Tool has plugins for the Crytek and Unreal engines.

    From what I have heard, working with the source engine can be a real pain. From what little I did, it wasn't the most appealing from a coding perspective.
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