[font=Tempus Sans ITC, Papyrus, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman]Radakan[/font]Official Recruiting-AdCompensation: None
Radakan.org is a single-player RPG in a dark and dynamic fantasy-setting, driven by a freedom-of-choice environment, with focus on true role-playing instead of combat.In-house Tools: WorldTool,
Preview Tool,
Ulelo.org (TBA).
Modeling Tools: Cinema4D*,
3ds Max. These are our
supported model formats.
* Our Lead Artist uses Cinema4D
Also see
"communicating" for our recommended tools of communication.
[font=Tempus Sans ITC, Papyrus, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman]Vacant Positions[/font]
Please follow the links for a more elaborate description and requirements listing.
- Environmental Concept Artist
"Need skills on par with our other concept artists. Would draw scenes of mine/forest-like and alien (as in not 'earthly', not futuristic sci-fi) setting as reference material for our level designers and 3D artists."
PS. Those with a mere interest for the project, or maybe with a talent that is not expressively sought-after here, are encouraged to register on our forum and let us know you're there nonetheless, and we will still consider you.
Competent 3D artists in perticular are strongly encouraged to apply.[font=Tempus Sans ITC, Papyrus, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman]Contact[/font]E-mail (preferred): contact [-at-] radakan [-dot-] org
Windows Live: reg_acc [-at-] msn [-dot-] org
IRC: irc://irc.freenode.net/#radakan
Alternate: See the contact-info of
Erlend/"Sadr" on our wiki. Should I have notified of my absence, the next member in line of contact would be
[font=Tempus Sans ITC, Papyrus, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman]Development Examples[/font]Writing/Design: Quests & Characters, [url=h
http://radakan.org/wiki/design_document]Radakan Design Document[/url]
Audio: Little Lullaby,
Xemna Theme,
Misc Menu Theme,
Maria's Theme.

Please check out our official recruiting ad if you want to get a more complete overview of what we have to offer.