This is my first post on Polycount. This is a rough draft of my char... I'm still trying to figure out the finite aspects of where to take this char... guys/gals what do you think i always like constructive crits.
I wanted to see if i can flush it out into more of a living armor type of creature I'm not sure what the exact end result will be but i will try to stick to this as close as possible. I am thinking... Guyver-esk i suppose... i dunno... haha well see thanks!
yes, welcome to polycount diggy. there's a lot to like and a lot going on in that sketch, and i'm looking forward to seeing you develop the character more.
Nervous? Dude your concept is stellar for being just an idea. It might not be the most innovative in that it follows the basic bipedal shape as most peoples concepts, but imo it's the coolest looking concept ive seen in this comp so far. I especially love the shapes goin on in the legs; very unique but not neccesarily awkward looking. Im excited to see what you do with this as the concept matures.
Wow.. I don't see yet what you gonna do with that, but it's a pretty cool sketch! nice values, textures.. can't wait to see what you gonna come with next! and Welcome!
Hey Thanks allot for all the positive feed back especially coming from a bunch of guys who are equally as talented allot of your works that i have seen are really awesome!!! I was looking at the reference in a couple aspects. From an artistic point I look for inspiration in the piece I know i have to go back and refine it allot more, but when i look at it i imagine all the different directions i can go and considering i am the "art dir" of it i can make those decisions. But yeah Vidar ye right it is symmetrical i could play with that allot more... but the idea that i have for the character was to have it symmetrical, I wanted it to have a sense of balance... like if something was perfect in all aspects. I know that sounds open ended i am going to do a write up of his ability later to explain. But I hear ya, asymmetry plays quite well visually when done right.
hey man, liking it a lot!
is that a base for mud/zbrush? i find its better to keep polys square as possible as more oblong ones can result in stretched feeling sculpting
It's about 8000 tries so far and i have been going threw doing some adjusting most of the faces are Quads and i have tried to negate some of the longer polys so that is doesn't distort the mudbox sculpting once I reach that phase. I'm just having fun with it tho it has ventured a little from the original concept but it still has the general staples. I have a write up as well... i was thinking about this before i started.
Equated to brace yourself... For this is am enemy which no side wins...
Character Type is an Invoker.
When engaged with an enemy, once attacked it is always drawing power. This char is has more of a defensive type of attack; the more you attack or persist in trying to pass it or be close or use any type of weapon it draws power from that. The options are to either retreat or have your power drained to a point where the attacker is helplessly weak. The energy that has been siphon is either dispel in a massive energy blast destroying itself and everything around it (when char is maxed out) or the energy gathered and pass on to the party that it is with, threw healing, controlling other objects or chars, or manipulating the environment around it.
Quote I do not know what it is like to strike an enemy because eventually... they all bow before me
The style I am trying to portray in the character is like living mystical armor.
interesting! i like how lithe he looks in the concept, whereas the 3D seems a bit squat, but it might just be the cam angle. layers and layers of detail and volume, i like that. keep it up mate.
Here is the most recent mudbox I've having trouble keeping the geo smooth when sculpting is this normal for mudbox??? Is there a possible way to normalize thew surface so that everything stays flat and not modeled/subtle modulation so much?
Here is the most recent update for my character... I have decided to work in Z brush due to mudbox's limitations and my over zealousness when working. I had lost about a week had a half of work due to over sculpting and pinching the verts together so that when the normal map that baked would be unusable I was going to quit the competition... but after shedding a tear and pulling myself together I used Zbrush... this took me 3 days. non stop... I'm going to start texturing soon... let me know what you think. thanks so much you guys and gals.
yeah thanks guys i figure i tried my best to get this far i can't turn back now... just have to keep chuggin hopefully things move allot more smoothly...
Man is was tough till the end... i learned so much tho! Thanks you guys fer all your help! I wanted to make sure i finished it just to show even tho it's not the best or whatever i finished it even when i wanted to quit after losing a weeks worth of work... but hey i got it done, and that's what matters.
Welcome to polycount! You chose wisely for your alliegence.
welcome here
In terms of the model anyone have any suggestions are see any ways for improvement(besides that fact that it's not finished
Thanks a bunch
is that a base for mud/zbrush? i find its better to keep polys square as possible as more oblong ones can result in stretched feeling sculpting
and listen to rooster
waiting for more 3d stuff
It's about 8000 tries so far and i have been going threw doing some adjusting most of the faces are Quads and i have tried to negate some of the longer polys so that is doesn't distort the mudbox sculpting once I reach that phase. I'm just having fun with it tho it has ventured a little from the original concept but it still has the general staples. I have a write up as well... i was thinking about this before i started.
Equated to brace yourself... For this is am enemy which no side wins...
Character Type is an Invoker.
When engaged with an enemy, once attacked it is always drawing power. This char is has more of a defensive type of attack; the more you attack or persist in trying to pass it or be close or use any type of weapon it draws power from that. The options are to either retreat or have your power drained to a point where the attacker is helplessly weak. The energy that has been siphon is either dispel in a massive energy blast destroying itself and everything around it (when char is maxed out) or the energy gathered and pass on to the party that it is with, threw healing, controlling other objects or chars, or manipulating the environment around it.
Quote I do not know what it is like to strike an enemy because eventually... they all bow before me
The style I am trying to portray in the character is like living mystical armor.
So what do you guys think?
thanks so much!!!
Aren't the hands a bit too human for that guy though?
BTW there's no womens in the internets.
good luck to all of you! hope you all learned lots! i know i have... on to the next!