I have some more Zbrush questions I never seem to be able to find the answers to. I find there help sections have a million bits of information but never the simple things.
1. Hotkeys for changing brushes? I keep pressing 1234567 as if I'm in mudbox which does nothing.
2. Saving my settings? Each time I open Zbrush I change the document size to 1200x900, Alt Brush Size=1, Render>Preview Shadow>Slope/Length, Material, etc
3. Oh and for future reference - any tutorials on importing displacements and converting to geo?
Thanks in advance
* To create a startup document, click Document:Save As
* Navigate to the ZBrush\Zstartup folder
ANY document can be saved as your startup; even one where you have already begun painting on the canvas. Settings that will be recalled by the startup document include:
* Canvas size
* Background color and Border color
* Layers
* Lighting
* Render settings
* Custom materials that are painted on the canvas
/pulled from http://www.zbrush.info/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Hold control, then click the brush you want to have hotkeyed. Make sure you save the hotkey setup on exit. Mine are set to 1234567
You might want to keep an eye on zbrushcentral.com They are releasing plugins that are pretty useful (eg: transpose master, reset brush, etc). Lots of things that you can't be without after you've used them.