Ive got a problem thats driven me to the verge of suicide ( 3dsmax must be the cause of at least a small percentage of suicides/murders?)
Im using render to texture in 3ds max 9 to bake the diffuse from one identical model to another identical model. Im doing this because Ive changed the UVWs of the one model.
Its working perfectly, but I get these bloody little dots on my texture like so:

Has anybody encountered this problem?
Any help would be much appreciated.
rtt works fine on multible uvmap channels
You might want to make sure you have Enable Global Supersampler turned on setting it to Max2.5 Star is normally fine. I've gotten issues like this in the past with the AntiAliasing filter set to Catmull-Rom, you might have better results with if you set it back to Area and adjust the filter size to 1.5, careful as it could start to blur your texture.
You can also delete extra UV channels by going into Tools > Channel Info. UV channels show up as "1:map" "2:map" and are toward the bottom. poly, vsel, -2:Alpha, -1:Illum, 0:vc are standard and shouldn't be removed. You can click the channel info you don't need and hit clear to remove it.
It's incredible that one little checkbox has caused me so much pain
i have a checklist for this at work and have not encountered an RTT problem in a while but i think the main fix was to change the scale of both source and target models. seems to be some accuracy problem with the renderer vs. scene scale. requires a few tries to get it right, really.
and yes, supersampler merely filters them differently. if you turn filtering off, your map will be - guess what - unfiltered. depending on the situation you might just turn it into shit this way...
Changing the scale is also getting rid of the dots as you said, I think this might be a better solution for solving this problem in the future, thanks guys.
Thanks tho!
For those who might not know where the option is, press F10 to bring up the render window, go to the "Renderer" tab and uncheck the "Filter Maps" option in the "Antialiasing" section.
Works like a charm.
tks again!!!