So far i've had a rough time coming up with the concept or even the basis of the idea for the concept. But i've done some preliminary sketches to help that out a little.
I like the idea of amphibious rockwhale thingy.
<font color="red">LATEST IMAGE:</font>
couple silhouettes I am liking, but without numbers it's hard to say which ones.
Probably the lobster claw guy and the spiked hammer guy (4th from the left on the top row
I like this, i've printed it off and now sketching over top of it. Should have some nice concept ideas up tomorrow.
Edit: i guess i should explain those arms. They're made of the element known as polycount. They will be a really black rock/metal like substance. Super smooth and nearly indestructible.
Are you going to do a similar thing with the feet?
i love it!
No, but I really like it.
Good work on the body, and keep working with the heads.
Just looking at the sketch the idea came to mind, that his arms could be like a small section of a modern city pulled up out of the ground, with concrete and pipes hanging off the bottom, and sky scrapers making up his forearms.
His black rock arms will be made of polycountium.
Thanks everyone for the push.
cholden: i like them too, they are teeth that i've always wanted to model. But again my concept doesn't hold them up to well. Meh, one day.
Mongrel: I don't know. I kind think that would throw his silhouette off. Maybe? i dunno.
Interested in seeing what you're going to do with materials and such. So far, great stuff, keep it coming
does he always walk with his arms up like that? I think he'd have to, unless he brachiated everywhere - which would be awesome
I should really practice my painting skillls.
cool progress though
the rocky details are cool, especially the legs, looking forward to seeing more
but i like this char realy a lot.. one of my favs