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DWIII.... and so it beggins... not sure on name...

polycounter lvl 17
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WarNoodle polycounter lvl 17
so yeah.... first idea that came to mind... put it together pretty fast and just did a simple color in. Don't know what to call him. He will have the magic power of earth in his hammer.



  • indian_boy
    Offline / Send Message
    idea's looking good and all, so don't get me wrong when i suggest a bit of thumbnailing.
    i know it helps me get all my juices flowing, so it just might help u the same. at the moment, lots of parts of this guy seem 'standard' and 'generic'

    thumbnail some outrageous shapes. it'll help alot.
    and if you've already thumbnailed, then thumbnail some more!

    good luck with the war!
  • WarNoodle
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    WarNoodle polycounter lvl 17
    hey thanks, yeah I get what you are saying. Im going to stay with the same idea. I will change him up some by thumbnailing... I'm going to just work on the 3d body as of now just to get started on things.... I can always change up armor and clothes.... Im sure he will change as the creative juices get going though.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Nice start, its looking promising.
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