Greetings Polycounters.....I'm a new member here and I'm gonna be hanging out here in an attempt to improve my 3D skills. This will be a sort of an ongoing 3D sketchbook (with a little 2D maybe) of whatever I happen to be working on in my free time. I'm hoping for some feedback, critiques and maybe a little tough love from the talented folks on these forums. I'm primarily focusing on character type work with ZBrush at the moment.
Here's a few of my latest ZBrush head sculpts. A basic base mesh in Max, sculpted and polypainted in ZBrush, and final tweaking in Photoshop.....
I like the old man model quite a bit. The mesh is looking very nice in profile, but it seems to lose a lot in the texture. A great deal of that being tonal values. (for example, the eyes integrate well tonally in the zb shot, but when you've textured them brightly they are popping forward, in a bad way) I'd be interested in seeing the texture. It seems like you've painted dark lines in the creases of the forehead. If I were to guess, you could flatten the values of the texture and the whole piece would read a lot better.
Indecom - yeah, now that you mention it, they do seem a little cartoony. I never noticed that before, but I'd have to agree.
Zephir62 - Ya know, only a few people have seen these models, and your the second person to mention that the anatomy layout and structure are repetitive. I would say it's official now.
EricElwell - I don't quite understand what you mean when you mention starting your model from the mouth structure/area as opposed to the cranium. If you have the time, it would be cool if you could elaborate. I realize now my approach is maybe a little stagnant. I am using the same generic base model on all these. Thanks for the crits on the texture and taking the time to reply.
Gracias folks.