He could use some more work but I had to call it. I used sculpey softener on my clay and it broke my hands out so bad I could not use it any longer. So there went a pound of it down the tubes. My latest is this. Sculpted from Castilene.
It's coming along slowly. I do not have a wax pen yet so this is all done by heating it up in a crock pot and throwin down the forms then heating my tools with a lighter. lol, makeshift FTW. Anyway, that piece is going to be Akuma with his Gi top down. Thanks for looking!
I'm gettin there slowly but surely. Oh and I'll throw up better pics/ front shots as soon as he stays together on his own. I gotta prop him up and hope he doesn't fall while shooting him atm He has no shoulders atm because I want to finalize the chest area before I do anything permanent with the arms. thanks for looking