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OOO Three Rings is looking for a talented Artist!

polycounter lvl 18
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nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
We're looking for talent once again. Our office is great, the work environment is outstanding (no crunch... ever.) and you'll be very much able to input your own ideas, not just be a cog in the machine.

The details:


Three Rings seeks an exceptionally talented Artist to join our merry crew. Work on Puzzle Pirates, Bang! Howdy, Whirled and exciting new projects.

We're looking for a fast, bright, and versatile Artist with strong drawing skills who is competent in both 2D and 3D, or who is amazing in one of those areas. You'll take part in many steps of production, from concept art, through modeling, texturing, and user-interface production, to final assets.

We are open to applications from Artists with all levels of experience, including new graduates. Talent is paramount.


* Design and produce high quality art assets (models, textures, animation data).
* Take ownership of projects, be an inspirational force in the art style of those projects.
* Work closely with other Artists to create and implement functional art assets.
* Estimate delivery time for art assets.
* Communicate fluently with team members, give and take feedback.
* As we grow, the option will be there to assume greater leadership responsibility.


* Passionate about making games and producing top quality artwork.
* Traditional art training and knowledge of animation, design, etc.
* Strong drawing, animation, modeling, and/or texturing skills.
* Experience with 3D Studio Max or Maya, Photoshop, and Flash.
* Able to work quickly in a team atmosphere.

If this sounds like you, shoot me a mail at nick (AT) threerings.net

Please include a resume in plain text in the body of your message and a url where we can check out your work. Do not send attachments. Any submission not following these simple guidelines will not be considered.

Short-listed candidates will be asked to complete a paid 'challenge' assignment creating a unique piece of digital artwork.


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