hey all,
am trying out an eccentricity map but not working.
is there a tutorial around?
also, can anyone help me with some maps that would make a nice shiny super reflective plastic?
In Maya, eccentricity is what controls how tight or diffuse the specular highlight on a blinn shader is.
As for the original poster. It really depends on what kind of plastic you are making, and what you mean by reflection. You could do it by making the specular highlight tight (lower the eccentricity value), and uping the specular color.
Maya's a bit quirky for doing stuff like this. It'll work if you make the alpha channel of a tga or tiff file your eccentricity (aka. "gloss") map. If you try to plug an ordinary RGB map into it, it won't show up. You could also try making an 8 bit greyscale map in photoshop, although I've never tried that myself.
hey guys, thanks for input. Ok. yup i am in maya. Sorry im not more clear. I feel that i do not know much at all about shaders. Is there a good resource out there? Ill post what im working on. its a shiny mess right now:( Thanks again for your help.
hmm.. i tried connecting tif and tga alpha chanels but all black and all white give same result.
looks totally matte like this
anyone know what im doin wrong?
I just tried the tga alpha thing on a blinn shader myself, and right enough it doesn't work for me either. It does work for phong shaders though, which I've used it on in the past. If you do an actual render of your model it should work, but it just won't work in the viewport. Render with mental ray to see your normal map correctly,
And what's an eccentricity map?
What software?
And what's an eccentricity map?
[/ QUOTE ]
In Maya, eccentricity is what controls how tight or diffuse the specular highlight on a blinn shader is.
As for the original poster. It really depends on what kind of plastic you are making, and what you mean by reflection. You could do it by making the specular highlight tight (lower the eccentricity value), and uping the specular color.
looks totally matte like this
anyone know what im doin wrong?
thanks so much for help.
i think i got it.
you can see the final product on hula.ca
best to click on animation to see results.
i am going to enter the dominance of war compatition in 2 days i think. wish me luck. thanks again for help.
oh, btw cheese on toast do you listen to fresh air? from edinburgh?