To keep other places (like P&P) properly focused, please discuss the locking of mini-comp threads here.
My take on the whole thing:
- locking the thread was overstepping the bounds
- in future cases, if the entry does not fit the contest, PM the entry owner stating so, and move the thread to the P&P section of the forum.
It's a lot more courteous to let someone keep their thread open and just have it moved than to lock it outright. While I understand hawken's intent (keeping contest entries within the specs of the contest), the method used has obviously upset some people. I know if it had been my thread I'd probably be flaming the bejesus out of hawken right now for doing so without any prior notification.

its not for prizes or shits let people make what they want, if its publicly deemed not in bounds then they don't get voted.
[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. So quick to lock threads are moderators here I don't see this one sticking around too long.
Choldens isn't following guidelines either but his isn't locked. Polycount has some favorites and guys can get away with whatever the fuck they want while others are targeted. Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds here but I'm pretty out spoken and I'm just calling it how I see it.
Let the dudes make what they want. If it doesn't qualify they just get eliminated but don't lock their thread on them. Jesus...
i guess i've never had to go through the trauma personally, but seems like it was easy enough for him to show his art in p&p.
That said, I've always been adamant hawken be exiled to Monster Island. It's just a name, it's really a peninsula
Basically I'm waiting for Hawken to unlock them... if he doesn't, I might.
That being said, the threads probably shouldn't have been closed, just not included in the final submissions and a PM sent when it was first noticed that they weren't following the rules.
The contest forum for is for contest projects. If it doesn't follow the rules of the contest, it doesn't belong in that forum. That's the whole point of having it separate. If we start blurring the line, it'll just become a cluttered P&P knockoff forum...
edit: yah, rules probably could have been clearer, and maybe some entries were allowed that shouldn't be... or some were locked that shouldn't have been. I guess it shouldn't be too surprising, though, that there are communication problems on a game industry forum.
Although, careful reading is encouraged as well.
He needs to be just as strict about his guidelines if he insists on managing the entries.
"Pick any character from any (1st person or 3rd person) "next-gen" game.
The first half of the rule simply states "pick any character".
The second half is meaningless, because the term "next-gen" is meaningless, and only used by marketing types to sell shitty games to fat wallets.
Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds, but someone had to push Mr. Moody off his soap box.
Funny thing is, I've seen the locked threads, due to curiosity. But not many of the others, because there are simply too many to view in a short amount of time. So they get more attention than my entry, but just as many comments.
A proven recipe for a Polycount challenge people will actually participate in, just say "something low poly".
as easy to follow the rules as it is to pick them apart - it just depends on your temperament.
my argument falls apart discussing pinatas and their ilk, so I'm ignoring it.
ok, now i'm just being an ass.
Sure, locking threads probably wasn't the wisest of choices, but hawken obviously has the final say of what complies with the contest rules and what doesn't.
Also, big fucking deal if your entry was finished then locked. At least you have a finished piece of game art.
And this talk of "elite" Polycount members getting special treatment... FUCK OFF! Its like when fat people say "real beauty is on the inside". Its a load of shit and an excuse because you don't get replies to your threads.
My entry hasn't had a single reply... It doesn't bother me. I'm still working on my entry and will still post it when its done. Whether it has had any crits or not.
Now fucking get over it! There's no crying on Polycount.
Simple really. Let's move on, yah?
Agreed in full. It's about the art, not winning, although at best that's an optimist's answer and also coming from someone who's never finished a piece of game art to date, Aka myself.
But I digress, more art, less tears!
Normal mapping seems to be the common denominator in so called next-gen games. Normal-gen???
IMHO moderators who lock threads probably have a reason for doing so, and should be allowed to. Hawken did say that the rules for the latest LPC were a bit too vague and that it was unfortunate. No biggie. Now lets do some art :P
sorry to be a wiener - but i'd agree that with any comp - you kinda have to be serious about sticking with the specs to acccuratley simulate 'industry' workloads/processes - if that's how you see these comps.
next-gen = newest platforms + normalmapping + bloom + lens flare x eye bleeding