hey there everyone. I've got the Alias book Learning Maya 7. it comes with a bunch of files that i would like to utilize - mostly rigged chararcter stuff. However when i set the project and attempt to open the scene it does one of a few things:
*either it won't open and just freezes
*it opens the the file, but some verts are moved all over the place. i can move the verts but they end up messing up when trying to rotate the arm of the character.
*or it opens but then crashes when i say - move the hip manipuator of the character.
*or it will load and the moment i try to do anything, i get a windows warning that says that it incountered a problem trying to save to a temp file in my documents folder.
could this be a version mis match problem as i am using 8.5? can i fix that? or is it something else? thanks for the help
here is a shot of the error i get sometimes if it helps:
this pops up as soon as i open the file, if it loads at all
i don't think that this is a very complex rig really. it does however contain infulence objects. pfft. . .i hate version problems.