I've been working on this car for a couple of days. It's for my Unreal mod. I'm planning on using it as a dynamic object that can react to explosions, collisions and stuff like that.
At the moment it has abaut 3000 tris. I'd like to know if that's already too much or can I put more detail in it. There's propably going to be something like 10 cars at the same time in my mod.
I haven't used unreal so I'm not sure what poly counts, ect... you should be aiming for. However I do alot of game models for Doom3 right now, it can handle tons of polys but still fewer is better.
With that said i think you should probably optiiize and get it down closer to 1000. the roof (inside especially) and outside could come down, the trunk and hood could be alot lower. Keep the siluette close and get rid of wasted polys that don't contribute to the shape much.
use those polys for details like grill and headlights.
use simple two sided polys to add windows, would be cool to see them cracked, or cracked when hit...
You could add a simple steering wheel and use an alpha plane for the 'spokes', ect...
I'd recommend arranging the polies on your wheels like that.
//edit: and use less than you have now.
I'd recommend arranging the polies on your wheels like that.
//edit: and use less than you have now.
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While I somewhat agree with that idea, you can save UV space with the first on, and give the wheel some form of curved shape with the center point.
At the moment it has abaut 3000 tris. I'd like to know if that's already too much or can I put more detail in it. There's propably going to be something like 10 cars at the same time in my mod.
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I read somewhere that Unreal 3 has a base guide of 15000-16000 tris per character up close, and 5000-6000 in LOD that will be seen from far away.
Hehe Moskvitch/IZ?
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Yeah it's a Moskvitch
Kill those edges on the front bumper. Its completely flat. Can't really tell whats going on on the rear window seal. Looks like a lot of wasted tris.
Doom3 can handle tons of polys to, but the real issues arise when multiple light sources hit a tri.
I think you can still kill a ton of polys and not even notice once a good texture is in place.
I think it would be more interesting to put polys into having a door ajar and all the major components in place.
Steering wheel, rear view mirror, lug bolts on the hubs, ect.. instead of just a really smooth curve to the body panels.