Heh heh, cybernetically-enhanced butt cheeks. But seriously, that's really coming along nicely. As you work on refining the skin, I'd remind you that adding additional color variation would help to bump it up a notch. Right now you're looking at three, maybe four base textures. The skin especially would benefit from subtle color diferences, notably the addition of more red. (to go along with the yellow) Possibly give some of his armor a more blueish tinge while adding a touch more greeen in other places. I like where its going so far, though.
also - the leg straps are kinda indinstiguishable - maybe doo some more clean pixel work if you can (it looks like the're mapped diagonally so yu can't get that line work) - i know that they are black straps, but maybe put a highlight and shadows on them/and the pants.
second update, the weapon is ready to texture too ill post those up later today. just wanna get some last crits on the body. i still gotta go in and add some green like you said achmed, good idea. Wires too!