modo, max, ps
model time = 8hrs = 1494 tris
texture time = 8 hrs = 16 64x64 disfuse maps and 1 64x64 alpha map
lighting = 1 hr = 1 vertex color map
This was for a handheld worldbuilder art test I just finished. The requirements were 1500 polys(tris), 16 64x64 diffuse textures and to be vertex lit.
Critque is welcome!
What test are we looking at?
My big crit is the texturing in two ways:
The textures look like they were painted large and scaled down. Therefore there aren't any real good details. When you're working this small you really have to get in there and do pixel by pixel touch-ups for hard edges, clean details, etc. The control panels, dark line across the front of the main green machine and overall lack of edges really reveal this. To jack up my strict-o-meter (since this is a test), I believe this shows you do not have a solid grasp on low res texture painting.
Secondly, UV layout (or in general texture usage). When going this low, you need to be more aware of situations where you can reuse your textures. Your texture sheets have so many custom bits that are solid green blobs of I-don't-know-what, and repeating of the same details that could have easily been reused saving tons of valuable texture space for the more important details. Specific examples: first texture has 3 rectangles on the right that as the same thing. 2nd column, 3rd row, 2 repeating details (4 if you want to get anal about it, and you should at this low of spec).
I think you have a pretty good outcome, but a lot of efficiency issues.
Looks pretty good, though, the textures could use a bit more contrast to give it some more depth. It would also be nice to see some more lighting information painted in since everything is fairly uniquely unwrapped. More panel details and such would be nice; you've got the texture space so use it. Check out Metroid Prime Hunters for inspiration. The texture on the bottom left of the sheet could use some cleaning up, it's not reading very well as it is right now.
Firstly, I just sent in the test so I haven't heard back yet.
Yeah, it would be nice to get more detail in the textures. I did mirror a most of the uvs- on multiples, every other, which as you say Chris, in the end wasn't really needed. I also do need more practice in texture at this res.
But thanks for all the comment, its a huge push- especially coming some great artists. Man all you guys have some great stuff on your portfolio. Dude you're working on Darksiders, that game looks frig'n rag. And Phillip, I really enjoy that underground piece and rocks you got.
Just pitty that this section looks too cut from the rest:(
U could do some walls around it or something so that it looks more finished. Also I don`t see the light source.
Good texture and model work though