I open a thousand images a day, and nothing drives me nuts more than clicking File > Open and watching the window that pops up EVERY DAMN time be super small.
I'm constantly searching for images and browsing for textures, and I don't have time for Bridge / Picasa. I know WHERE my textures are, but I want a FAST way of browsing them, and right now, having to rescale my window every single time I click File > Open to browse some thumbnails drives me insane.
Is it possible to resize the File > Open window PERMANENTLY in Photoshop CS2? Or am I doomed to have my window ALWAYS go back to default shit size every time and then rescale when I want to browse my texture library?
I Also have Shift+E set to open the current Irfanview image in Photoshop.
Sorry if I haven't really answered your question there, I've never really had a problem with PS's File Open dialog. Can't remember offhand if it keeps the last size you set, I'll check tomorrow.
For searching through multiple files, I rarely do in PS.
Recently found 'fast stone image viewer'(it's FREEWARE~) and replaced it for 'xnview.'
You can assign hotkey to open the selected image(s) with apps of your choice as well.
It's a bit slow compared to other image browsers like ACDSEE but is already setup to open the images in photoshop. I use it all the time for browsing textures.
the PS one is a little slower to open at times, but i have never had it resize itself on me.
Instead of File > Open, just double click on the blank gray space, much faster :P
And yeah, I've used browse before, but it is also miserably slow. Picasa does a much better preview job imo, i'll probably just switch to that....hopefully I can drag and drop into PS
i use the PS dialogue, and it has never resized on me, only when using the OS one. heh. I just tried it out, and worked fine, i got nuthin! I am using CS3 too.
Bridge is nice, but o-m-g is it terrible for browsing large groups of reference photos, that are high res. Acdsee is sooooooooooooooOOoo so sooos osooooooooo much better, its really not that much more effort to use either
It basically adds a couple of extra drop downs on pretty much every file open dialog. I got annoyed about the inconsistent file dialogs in max and elsewhere, and this wee app means i can get to my last opened files and folders in a single click.
sounds lazy, but boy does it save me time and save me having tons of shortcuts to various folders on my desktop.
Not directly relevant to the problem at hand, but I thought I'd mention it.
and why the hell would anyone want to use acdsee? that seems to be the least stable memoryhog ever. sticks out from the crowd of image viewers like an erected middle finger directed towards the user. stopped being lean and nice and stable a decade or so ago.