I've never participated in one of these, about time I gave it a go. I'm doing Alyx from HL2. I am pretty much done with the modeling and am moving on to the uvs, gotta make sure I use every pixil of that 128 lol.
428 tris as it stands but I think I will use the extra few tris to support the texture details a bit later on.
Good luck to all
Here's a decent ref pic...
Also I think you can afford to add some more polys around her chest and probably hips too, just to round out the silhouette and capture more "Alyx-ness". Not sure why you have that cut of 4 tris in her butt, doesn't make much sense especially when she's wearing jeans.
Its fun getting down to some low poly work for a change.
Here she is so far
Thanks a lot for that reff Mop, it has helped me to no end. Man I love this pixil work hehe, I had forgoten how fun it could be.
Here she is
I'll definately try finish this off better if I can find the time but for now I'm calling it done.
C&C welcome.
[edit] Made more time to finish, see below.
I think this could be awesome with a small amount of extra polys to define the jacket shape, make it stand away from her torso in the silhouette, also a bit more contrast at the pixel level would go a long way. But as it stands it's still nice
Be back in 20mins or so lol.
C&C still welcome ofcoarse.
I'd paint some more shadow underneath the jacket. It's got a lot on the sides, but nothing underneath it, and that doesn't show that you added the extra polies to define it (which is a shame).
Thanks ComradeJ I worked on the shadow a bit more and tweaked a lot of other little things.
Thanks all for taking a look.
Oh and maybe she looks a bit to tall,but that could be me.
Good work though
just a quick edit: the head looks really small for some reason .
good work tho face looks cool
Made the head a bit bigger, thanks for spotting that Armanguy. And added a very basic belt seeing as I had the tris to spare anyway. And I fixed up the crotch too, thanks for that Rooster.
Tomorow, the GUNS hehe.
[edit] added ears to the model, now weighing in at 486 tris.
I have a daughter as of 1:15pm today
2.6kgs of gurgling gorgeousness
Model looks nice too.
Here are my final shots, would have liked to do the other bits like guns and tool but I'm just too tired. I'll make her an SDK later if anyone wants her to play with.
Alyx Vance
Good luck to all in the mini comp and get ready for Dom War 3 we wanna win this year