Just wondering if anyone has ever worked with fiberglass in any way. I am currently attempting to get info on creating fiberglass furniture and am running into some probs. There seems to be little info out there, or I'm totally missing it. I've gathered that I'll need high density foam to create my base structure then use fiberglass cloth to cover it. I guess what I'm asking is this, which type of fiberglass cloth would be used? If anyone has any idea, or has stumbled upon a link to info I'd appreciate it. I only seem to be able to locate designer galleries etc..
http://www.fiberglasssite.com/servlet/StoreFront?gclid=CMHgtZvYj5ECFQpZHgodtEuJAw i've done it a bit,
put cloth down coat it with epoxy getting out all the bubbles and forming it to the shape you want, repeat till desired thickness is reached
Do this in a well ventilated area at room temperature for best results. Use gloves too.
Good to have a good sander and respirator. Breathing that shit will kill ya.