It's too bad though, he was a decent actor. Reading about the research he was putting into the Joker was impressive - putting that kind of effort into what could easily be written off as a comic book movie seemed pretty dedicated.
They found pills by his bed, but they don't know if that's the cause of death yet. He didn't seem to have a traumatic hollywood life though, it may have been accidental. A few beers, a few pills, a good night's sleep.... a bit too much.
They found pills by his bed, but they don't know if that's the cause of death yet. He didn't seem to have a traumatic hollywood life though, it may have been accidental. A few beers, a few pills, a good night's sleep.... a bit too much.
Haha well I know this makes me somewhat of a cold, uncaring asshole but I really was only concerned with the new batman movie. Meh, people throw their lives away everyday but dammit! That movie's looking awesome! They have to finish it! Phew, good to hear filming was done on it.
wow, stunning news.... too bad, he was one of those actors that I liked in most roles. I read from yahoo that he divorced last year, so I wonder if somehow relates to a suicide. Another great talent has been lost
It was reported he had a bad case of insomnia. Probably took too many sleeping pills. That's not the way for a talented actor to go. The guy put a lot of research into the role of Joker...probably too much. He'll be missed.
Its just weird hearing about stuff like this. Kinda like the whole Anna Nicole Smith thing. Its just someone you've heard a lot about and don't expect to die just out of the blue. But i happens it seems.
Shame really.
Winners don't use drugs! time perhaps when their church catches on fire...they can pray to God for rain and we will use the fire service we pay taxes for. Not saying that all believers deserve that...just those who work backwards from it.
i think heath ledger was a devoted actor and entertainer and it is a shame he died at such a young age. my regards to his family, though i don't know them. denying him a funeral is hateful.
but, i hate funerals, i think they are pointless. i hope when i die people dispose of my body in an affordable fashion or use my body for scientific means.
Jesse: I'm not religious at all, but I do want to clarify it's not "The Baptist Church" who is protesting, it's the "Westboro Baptist" who are actually a bunch of nutjobs using the word Baptist.
These same bastards also protest the fallen soldiers that come home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Seriously free speech should be revoked for some people.
How many of you thing the masseuse 'cleaned' up the place? Either to save Heath's family any undue embarassment, or protect someonelse.. *cough* Mary-Kate?
The Phelps family is the unfortunate side affect of allowing constitutional freedoms to people that aren't smart enough to use it properly.
They condemn good people for doing nothing wrong. They hurt the families of innocent people during their time of grieving, and they bring humanity down a notch.
Nobody like that can consider themselves a man of god. Nobody.
from what i read on, Heath was QUOTED several weeks ago that he was so stressed from his last role and the role of the Joker(getting so into the mindset of a depraved psychotic) that it was keeping him up at night. so much so that TWO Ambien only knocked him out for an hour! O.O
so from that and from hearing sleeping pills were around.. yeah not too hard to see him going.. "ugh... those two pills didnt do anything... two more may help.." or something along those lines. like how some people take more than the recommended amount of pain killers. and if he was in a super sleep deprived state then his mental state was not right and didnt think about what could happen.
it's a sad unfortunate accident.
and i second Jimmie's assessment of those 'God' people..
1) The Phelps family is a bunch of lawyers. They aren't just being douches because its what they believe, but because they are also hoping that one day someone will go a bit too far, and strike them, then they can bring down the collective family lawyer hammer to sue.
2) Besides taking sleeping pills, Ledger was also on anti-anxiety medications, and possibly anti-histamines for allergies. All these medications suppress the central nervous system, which means that it would be much easier for him to accidently overdose on any one medication very quickly. With his lack of sleep, he wouldn't have realized he was in fact dying, because the side affect would be that he would fall asleep (which is what he was probably trying to accomplish), but then die.
I know they're lawyers, but I honestly believe that nobody should be allowed to do what they do. One admirable thing about the family is that they worked for the civil rights movement..
But it still doesn't excuse their blatant disrespect for those in mourning, and of homosexuals. We honestly can't expect people to accept differences but that doesn't mean they can't be tolerant of other people, and treat them as humans regardless of their sexuality.
Apparently the Phelps' and their followers just don't understand. They have to realize they can't stop homosexuality. People aren't going to listen to them, no matter HOW loud they are. Shit is still shit, regardless how big the pile.
And people also must realize there isn't anything they can do about the Phelps' family. Not without stooping beneath their level by resorting to acts of violence, which is truly what Fred wishes for.
...yeah. Not good at all, and very sad.
well.. I guess joker is in this one only
oh.. damn..
well.. I guess joker is in this one only
[/ QUOTE ]
That's heartless.
I thought the same thing
It's too bad though, he was a decent actor. Reading about the research he was putting into the Joker was impressive - putting that kind of effort into what could easily be written off as a comic book movie seemed pretty dedicated.
Really sad to see stars and people get swept up with pressure from like so bad that the only way out is drugs / suicide.
oh.. damn..
well.. I guess joker is in this one only
[/ QUOTE ]
That's heartless.
I thought the same thing
[/ QUOTE ]
I know, i figured it sounded that way.
I WAS trying to come off as caring and feeling mournful of his death, while still being realistic
Truly sad, good flexible actor all around, which is rare these days.
Its really too bad he had to go so early. See ya Heath.
Now, this will probably make the jokers character all the more intense and emotional.
Found that early article in a thread on another forum.
They found pills by his bed, but they don't know if that's the cause of death yet. He didn't seem to have a traumatic hollywood life though, it may have been accidental. A few beers, a few pills, a good night's sleep.... a bit too much.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah - that's realy sad ... so young.
This is a psychological metamorphosis! The Heath we know is DED, now only the joker remains!
Anyways...its a loss.
Shame really.
Winners don't use drugs!
I think Christian Bale is taking his role of Batman too seriously . . .
It's too bad, I liked Heath.
Now because he was in a movie about a gay cowboy the baptist church is protesting his funeral.
Seriously. What the fuck.
Talk about hate.
but, i hate funerals, i think they are pointless. i hope when i die people dispose of my body in an affordable fashion or use my body for scientific means.
big fucking deal.
they were gay shepherds
Fishers-of-men! *_*
These same bastards also protest the fallen soldiers that come home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Seriously free speech should be revoked for some people.
** Edited cause I'm a jackass.
Slum: Sorry I should have specified that as well.
These same bastards also protest the fallen soldiers that come home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Seriously free speech should be evoked for some people.
[/ QUOTE ]
i think you mean REvoked
I think Christian Bale is taking his role of Batman
too seriously . . .
[/ QUOTE ]
So? from what i've heard on Larry King, Heath also took the joker's role very seriously, to the point where it affected him in real life.
You gotta love Bale for his dedication to a role, you should check out "the machinist", it doesnt get anymore serious!
Anyway R.I.P. Heath
They condemn good people for doing nothing wrong. They hurt the families of innocent people during their time of grieving, and they bring humanity down a notch.
Nobody like that can consider themselves a man of god. Nobody.
I think he was saying...serious to the point of killing Heath Ledger / Joker
[/ QUOTE ]
Lol that's what happens when you read too fast!
so from that and from hearing sleeping pills were around.. yeah not too hard to see him going.. "ugh... those two pills didnt do anything... two more may help.." or something along those lines. like how some people take more than the recommended amount of pain killers. and if he was in a super sleep deprived state then his mental state was not right and didnt think about what could happen.
it's a sad unfortunate accident.
and i second Jimmie's assessment of those 'God' people..
1) The Phelps family is a bunch of lawyers. They aren't just being douches because its what they believe, but because they are also hoping that one day someone will go a bit too far, and strike them, then they can bring down the collective family lawyer hammer to sue.
2) Besides taking sleeping pills, Ledger was also on anti-anxiety medications, and possibly anti-histamines for allergies. All these medications suppress the central nervous system, which means that it would be much easier for him to accidently overdose on any one medication very quickly. With his lack of sleep, he wouldn't have realized he was in fact dying, because the side affect would be that he would fall asleep (which is what he was probably trying to accomplish), but then die.
But it still doesn't excuse their blatant disrespect for those in mourning, and of homosexuals. We honestly can't expect people to accept differences but that doesn't mean they can't be tolerant of other people, and treat them as humans regardless of their sexuality.
Apparently the Phelps' and their followers just don't understand. They have to realize they can't stop homosexuality. People aren't going to listen to them, no matter HOW loud they are. Shit is still shit, regardless how big the pile.
And people also must realize there isn't anything they can do about the Phelps' family. Not without stooping beneath their level by resorting to acts of violence, which is truly what Fred wishes for.