I'm a soon-to-be fresh graduate out of Ringling, and I'm looking for an entry position as a texture artist. I'm skilled with traditional textures, acquainted with normal-mapping&co., and I'm generally aiming for the complete 3D trade-skill set for the future.
My website is -
Thanks for looking!
Somebody hire this guy already.
You know I've been waiting for you to do this! (get work)
I've passed your info around, but can you assemble a simple thumbnail portfolio? Such as a photoshop automated gallery. Your current site seems to only half work, and I've love for everyone to be able to see just how talented you are!
You've done some really good work here. Honestly, the most I could suggest to round off your 2d portfolio is maybe a couple things.
1) Show something more than characters. Environment concept art is a good example of something that might help.
2) I'd also show texture sheets broken into their normal/color/specular parts if possible. That will help employers see how strong your understanding of next-gen texturing is.
I also included a few more images exclusively to the simple portfolio /hint nudge etc.
Locus 2) Only the buggy skin has N/C/S to show, and all textures are supposed to be accessible using the PREV/NEXT buttons -- now visible all the time.
Best of luck buddy, are you interested in contract work as well? I got asked if I knew of any good texture artists the other day for some contract work, it could be too late but I'll point them your way if its available.