I know nobody speaks about how much he earns, but what do you think is the normal wage for an artist with 3 years experience ?
What about living costs?
How much do you spend per month?
What's the normal price for a room (London-Bromley, flatshare)?
Is the food really THAT bad?

Going out on a limb, living in London I reckon you could get about 24-28k.
London is expensive to live in, when I was at Ubisoft I knew 3 guys that shared a NICE flat paying £600 a month EACH. You best bet is to look at some flat sharing websites to get a truer price.
London is expensive to live in, when I was at Ubisoft I knew 3 guys that shared a NICE flat paying £600 a month EACH. You best bet is to look at some flat sharing websites to get a truer price.
[/ QUOTE ]
Must have been a bloody nice flat! Or a pricey area. We've got a large, nice flat in a good area for considerably less than that.
And no, the food is not that bad, there's actually a pretty wide range and if you know where to go you can get some great meals
experience - i've worked for companies that were big in germany but nobody in the UK knew of so it didn't count for much. portfolio did the trick.
artist wage and london - you are looking at a student lifestyle there.
rick - i thought reflections in newcastle is ubisoft's only UK studio?
edit: this might help - http://www.deutsche-in-london.net/forum/
thomasp - That might be true now, but I worked at Ubisoft Oxford.