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Hey guys, My partner and my self are looking to pick up a couple people for an up and coming studio "MAKE CG"the domain is brandnew so we are still getting it up. Below is some information about the team and what we are looking for

<font color="red">PLEASE SERIOUS INQUARY'S ONLY</font>

<font color="green">BACKGROUND</font>
The team consists of 2 people right now, myself Chris Campbell(3d studio max) and my buddy Lance Baker(Maya). Both of us are fairly advanced in our mediums. We both have more than 3 years experiance under our belts. We can do high resolution sculpting and modeling aswell as high quality Texture maping and shader creation. below i have added a short list of skill sets we poses.

Chris Campbell(3DS Max/Vegas)
-3D modeling(advanced)
-Video Compositing/GreenScreen(advanced)
-Shader Creation(medium/advanced)
-Partical systems(basic)
Lance Baker(Maya)
-3D Modeling(advanced)
-3D Sculpting(advanced)
-UVW Unwrap(Advanced)
-Photoshop/texture Painting(advanced)

Programs the teamw ill be expecting to work with(may varie project to project)
3DS Max, Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, Sony Vegas Video, Sony Acid Pro, Combustion,

<font color="green">Financial Situation</font>
Non paying - we are looking for 2 others to start this studio with. At this moment it is not a paying position and we do require a fair amount of your time. we are looking for people with the same level of dedication so we can start to get paying jobs.

<font color="green">Requirements(some what flexable)</font>
-must have 1 year or more experiance in your related field (based on previous work)
-must own or be able to purchase a working microphone.
-must have isdn(128k) or better ineternet connection.
-must be friendly and well organized
-be able to accept critisizm and Comments for the benefit of the team
-Have 2 to 3 hours a day 4 or more day's a week available for descussions and mettings.

<font color="green">Positions Available</font>
-3DS MAX Animator
-3DS Max Rigger
-Concept Artist - Character/Environment

-Work in a team oriented environment
-Learn new skills
-Meet some good people

<font color="red">PLEASE SERIOUS INQUARY'S ONLY!</font>

If interested please my self or my partner at the following Email Address.



  • AstroZombie
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I wish to inquare about your opertunity's

  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    laugh.gif, all I can say.
  • Rob Galanakis
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Its like someone goes into a massage parlor and gets his wang out in the reception area smirk.gif

    I wasn't going to say anything and just wait for a mod to put the thread in the right place, but you bastards started taking the piss so I couldnt resist joining in grin.gif

    But yea good luck with your search cool.gif everyone knows manners and civilized conduct have no place in this forum, so our comments wont make your thread any less fruitful.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i dunno if this really needs moving, it's pretty spectacular smile.gif
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Will work in exchange for friends!
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Post deleted by Motz
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Motz: I'm sorry, but what should he expect? He didn't even take the time to capitalize "ill," why should anyone take him seriously? This is how business works.
  • Mark Dygert
    You're right, we should let him put a business plan together in 1337 sp34k and see how far he gets. Shuush no one tell him he's making mistakes we wouldn't want to offend him or god forbid see him succeed.

    I'm all for helping the little guy get a foot in the door, but damn it be wise enough to put your ducks in a row before taking them across the highway. Especially when you're asking us to be the ducks.

    At least post in the right spot, at least sound like you have your shit together and could possibly provide a future. No one is going to go work for a start up that doesn't pay, especially if the leadership is missing key things needed to succeed. If he can't get this right, do I really want to waste my time and put my future in his hands?
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]
    You basically just slapped this kid in the face and told him that his dreams are worthless because of his spelling. I hope to god he looks past your bullshit and gets some people on board that actually want to help

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Er ... Yeah ... I think he might have to do a bit more than 'look past the bullshit' in order to get people to help. Like maybe suggest what the "studio" is actually going to do. That's traditionally the first step in getting serious inquary's
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    We weren't shitting on his dreams (or atleast I wasn't), but reacting to this thread being in the wrong place when there is a clearly labeled dedicated sub-forum for just this kind of thing. The traditional welcome at polycount is a punch in the face, and unfortunately he stumbled into our main meeting area. Don't take us too seriously PolyZoink, being an asshole is one of the requirements when you register, you probably missed that.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Motz - if they are looking to become a freelancing studio (I'm not sure that they are, they never really explained what they were for doing) then they will need to be able to get contacts. Getting these contacts will involve communication skills.

    The inability to not only spell, but foregoing the mere seconds that it would take to run some spell checking software speaks volumes. If you don't know that your spelling and grammar is weak then you need to be told ( and I'll quote them here,"be able to accept critisizm and Comments for the benefit of the team".)

    If they do do already know that there is an issue, but didn't use a spell checker, there is an implication of laziness.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    If they do already know that there is an issue, but didn't use a spell checker, there is an implication of laziness.

    [/ QUOTE ]Especially when browsers have built in spell checkers...
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Motz: working for a company and managing the people who work under you is very different than attempting to get contracts and workers to join with your startup that has no financial benefit (at least at the moment) and no initial incentive.

    If I saw an ad on monster.com that said, "Are new stoodio is looking for sum talented artitstss. Please inquiry." I wouldn't even both clicking on it.
  • Mark Dygert
    Motz, for you to do your job you aren't required to spell correctly. For him to spear head a start up, its something critical for him to do. Especially since they have no money, and will need to court investors. Misspellings, poor grammar and a lack of observation are the kiss of death for a start up and he might as well use 1337 sp34k since it will get him the same result.

    If I'm going to put my future in the hands of someone else, I want it to be someone I can trust to at least get some basic things right.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Post deleted by Motz
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Well, if they came to a forum I chatted on all the time and posted in a "General Discussion" area that is usually reserved for... general discussion... I may be inclined to point out their flaws.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    You are arguing with me about being nice to people. God forbid you be constructive in stead of insulting. I'm wrong, your all obviously better than me and I have no basis for wanting him to get constructive critiques in a forum meant for discussing art and related projects in a way that represent PC as non elitist jerks. He worded it oddly, and misspelled a few words whooptyshit.
  • StJoris
    Seriously, they did just what you wanted. The best piece of advice they gave was to use spelling correctly. Instead of bashing about how harsh it would be to puff them off their pink clouds by sugarcoating all you say, this will actually help them get somewhere instead of staying on that cloud. Welcome to the real world.

    * Feel free to point out any and all flaws in this post regarding spelling or whatsoever, I am actually inclined to learn.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Motz, this thread could have been funny and/or informative! Too late for that now, it's locked!

    Oh, and stop deleting all your posts after people have replied to them, it just makes people imagine you to be more of an ass...
This discussion has been closed.