Hi boys and/or girls.
I would like to know more about freelancing works. Like a more detailed explanation of the whole procedure from getting the first e-mail to when the art goes in-game.
Instead of just "You get contacted, make art, get money - end."

After that you'll get order and deadline to do it. When you done- send and take FIXES, a lot of fixes, prepare yourself! Don't call asset done before customer, or you'll get pain in the ass=)
So, work 1%- fixes 99%
And in the final- $
There's a book or two that usually get recommended that's full of contracts and such that you can use but I'm blocking on the name at the moment...
If you run a search for freelance on the polycount forums I'm sure you'll find more info.
Graphic Artists Guild Handbook:
Pricing & Ethical Guidelines
Maybe I should set the Guild of webdesigners on the Guild of artists for having such a poorly coded table layout website. Put my guild money to good use damnit!
Hopes it works.
Oh yeah if you haves a portfolio...feel frees to introduce yourself in the freelance section.