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Marvel erases Spidey-MJ marriage

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Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    MJ is single?!

    I WANTS!!!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    The requested document was not found.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    How eliminate? it all still happened. this is just another stupid time travel/memory erasure that happens all the time in comic arcs.

    If he had to give up his hair in such a manner instead, would all the stories where he had a full head of hair be eliminated?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    sectaurs, yes. All those stories where he has hair never happened. They are lies. Only the stories where he has appeared as bald actually would have been real. The rest are just fan fiction.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I hope they don't use it just so they can make a bunch of love interest storylines for spidey. I like the idea of him not being attached to anyone, so there's no more balance life/career/hero.

    One thing I'm wonder though is how the fuck old is Aunt May now? I mean, if they get their memories erased to save her, what have they added to Aunt May's life? A year or two? I'd rather they kill her off to be honest wink.gif

    Oh, and one more thing that I'm sure will be conveniently overlooked... they can erase their memories, but they're still legally married according to the state :P So, if they move on with their lives and meet new people, eventually they'll find out they're married wink.gif But I know that isn't how it works in the comic book realm.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18


    does watching him dance still make you gay?
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    I am going to kill fucking everyone.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    this is just the latest in joe quesadas attempt to destroy the character.

    in the last few years we've had spidey being chosen by magic to be a spider totem or some such.
    gwen stacy having norman osborns kids.
    spidey "evolving" twice.
    peter unmasking on tv.
    uncle ben back from the dead.

    joe quesada kept bitching that spider-man was unrelateable because he was married to a supermodel. but making a deal with the devil to undo your marriage to save your ancient aunt is much more normal. and for some reason, this deal brought back harry osborn.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    sectaurs: is that a direct attack on me? tongue.giflaugh.gif

    i'm not really into the comics, but it sucks to just pretend something didn't happen because it is better for merchandise.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    "A married Peter Parker makes for a less interesting soap opera than a single Peter Parker going about his nerdy kind of life."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Because in real life hot gold digging supermodel chicks never prey on nerds with fame. How unrealistic that spiderman would wind up in bed with a supermodel...
    Every nerd hopes to land a hot chick, Peter Parker being married gave them hope they might someday bag a hot chick. Marvel is pretty much saying "you're all nerds, don't bother thinking your porn fantasies will ever come true, oh and by the way buy more spiderman with your new found time". Typical punch your fans in the nuts while trying to make something collectible all just to boost readership. I hope it backfires. Typical Marvel stunt as of late.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mephisto erases all traces of the Peter-Mary Jane marriage from memory

    [/ QUOTE ] Not just their memory but everyones, its more then likely stricken from public record. I almost like your idea better. The next issue should go someting like this;
    "Peter while digging through some records at city hall, discovers his own marriage certificate and the fog lifts.
    Suddenly across town Aunt May grabs her chest and drops to the floor.

    Then Harry Osborn explodes into a fountain of gore. Mary Jane while in the process of banging Harry, now coated in man giblets, looking like Carrie on prom night suddenly remembers shes married. The guilt from cheating and the thought that she's so good in bed, she makes men sexplode, drives her to throw herself off a bridge (to save peter from sexploding). Peter saves her yet again, they have sex and spiderman does indeed explode. Turns out Mary Jane has a new form or hell herpies that harry brought back from the underworld during his 'down time'..."
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Peter while digging through some records at city hall, discovers his own marriage certificate and the fog lifts.
    Suddenly across town Aunt May grabs her chest and drops to the floor.

    Then Harry Osborn explodes into a fountain of gore. Mary Jane while in the process of banging Harry, now coated in man giblets, looking like Carrie on prom night suddenly remembers shes married. The guilt from cheating and the thought that she's so good in bed, she makes men sexplode, drives her to throw herself off a bridge (to save peter from sexploding). Peter saves her yet again, they have sex and spiderman does indeed explode. Turns out Mary Jane has a new form or hell herpies that harry brought back from the underworld during his 'down time'..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then it turns out that everyone who exploded or did anything significant was actually a clone created by Dr. Doom to trick the Silver Surfer into coming to Earth so he could steal his surfboard. And all of this happened in a pocket universe, which was destroyed by Dr. Strange out of angst and boredom.
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Because in real life hot gold digging supermodel chicks never prey on nerds with fame. How unrealistic that spiderman would wind up in bed with a supermodel...
    Every nerd hopes to land a hot chick, Peter Parker being married gave them hope they might someday bag a hot chick. Marvel is pretty much saying "you're all nerds, don't bother thinking your porn fantasies will ever come true, oh and by the way buy more spiderman with your new found time". Typical punch your fans in the nuts while trying to make something collectible all just to boost readership. I hope it backfires. Typical Marvel stunt as of late.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh my word. Are you actually saying that the reason this is "dumb" is because it tells nerds to get a life and their dreams won't ever come true? NOT the fact that its the worst thing to do to a stor, ever? "And then she woke up, realising it was all just a nightmare".
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    This is why I stopped buying comics from Marvel, simply said got sick of their bullshit. Maybe they lowered their target audience to eight years olds and younger, cause at that age liking girls is yucky. wink.gif This is going to be another cash cow attempt and going to piss off the fans soo much that it's not going to stick. This falls into the death of superman, original batman getting his back broken by Bane type of deal, the whole super hero rebirth deal. I liked the remake of the Fantastic four, iron man but then I noticed they where giving Sue flashbacks of her original life before Onslaught destroyed them and I said fuck you Marvel I knew this was comming and I was right. Heroes Rebirth my ass.

    Damn I used to respect Quesada very much and really admired his work. I think this has to be one of the stupidest things ever. They can't come up with anything better so they kill one of the few good things the character has. If they must do anything why not just kill her off, bad as well but not as lame. Make her not be a dumb supermodel, have her have kids, have disappear for ten years, better cash cow that them not being married. Back to the same old lame stories that made him famous when he first came out. Hmm the reason they worked was because they had not been told before and more importantly it was a different era. Maybe if Marvel were willing to change their practices maybe their artist and writers would be willing to come up with original characters and stories for Spidey to interact with.

  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    i honestly think some of these properties need to END. these characters have been drug out over 40-60 years... and i think at one point Spidey had 6 books out every month... wtf? how the hell can all of those stories be part of the mythos?

    i dont even know if the stories i read as a kid are even canon anymore.

    just end them and make new characters and stories. have a beginning, middle and end. have a purpose to the story.. blah blah blah...
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    What they really need to do if they are concerned about the future of the characters like spidey, Fantastic four etc is truely start over and never go back to the old stuff and stop using the books as cash cows. 6 spidey books yeah wtf is right! They did that with a lot of the books that got really popular and screwed them. That's why I refused to buy spidey books as well as Batman and Superman. Sometimes they had some good stories going but they did this whole crossover garbage way too damn much.

  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I think crossovers are awesome. Haven't you ever wondered if Iron Man could sauce the Hulk? I always did, and Marvel answered that for me wink.gif

    And really, if they were to do this, they should have just killed her off. They killed Betty Banner, why not MJ?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    just read ultimate spiderman. Its pretty good actually.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i bet that spidey will realise that he is an eunuch because it got ripped of without noticing on his last fight against a junkie. Also he will have to go back in time to join the chinese emperor ( or was japanese ? ) eunuch aids !

    no seriously there are some decent spidey stories, but 80% is money filler imo. I get pissed off when heroes die and rebirth without reason its like "hey guys, we decided to finish them off!" ( everyone is like.....) "ha ! but they ressurected due to ( insert lame ass reason here to keep it selling )"

  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    the whole resurrection deal in comics really chafes me. the death of a character should be important, impactful and final (unless to further the plot, not sales). they end up trivializing things too much.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Well, what else are they supposed to do with the character after he's been driven into the ground for nearly half a century?
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    I think they are actually starting to understand how much resurrection pisses off readers. Jean Grey has been out of the X books for awhile now, and there doesn't seem to be any magical return of Captain America.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh my word. Are you actually saying that the reason this is "dumb" is because it tells nerds to get a life and their dreams won't ever come true? NOT the fact that its the worst thing to do to a stor, ever? "And then she woke up, realising it was all just a nightmare".

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Joe Q is saying that the reason they are now unmarried is because it is unbelievable that Peter Parker (a nerdy, geeky guy) is married to the hot girl of his dreams. I'll wait until I read the story and the subsequent issues before I cast final judgment on the story. It looks like it could be a mistake, but I was mostly calling BS on Joe Q's excuse for doing it. It's the same crap from marvel all over again, they have a reputation for doing this crap just to boost sales.

    During the Emerald City Comic Con they had a Marvel Panel and it was pretty clear that they liked screwing with story lines for profit and will continue to do so. They also said it is too hard to start up new franchises but that they would rather "tweak" the stories in their existing line up.

    It was right after they killed Capt America and they couldn't have been more pleased with themselves. Brian Michael Bendis promised bigger better and more shocking things to come, far beyond and above the death of Captain America. After that announcement from Bendis a tiny cricket in the audience played a solo...
    The senior management of Marvel has earned the rep of a firing squad killing characters just to prop up slumping sales. This is just latest stunt in their line up of bad decisions left to come. But who knows it might actually be a good thing in the long run...
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Maybe Marvel should stop fucking with the characters and the fans. How many times do they have to pull this shit with Spidey. He never married Mary Jane with the clone bs thing. That went over well. So now Jane and Parker never married because Peter misses his auntie sooo much getting Jane at night isn't enough to make him happy. Management at Marvel making bad decisions, hmmm I can't see how you say that. Sounds like they never got laid. I mean they know what the fans want, fans rather see an Electra movie instead of a Wolverine or Avenger movie. Great decision there right, that movie made millions. So fans really want to see Spidey back in college trying to hook up with Mary Jane again, that sounds right on. Why not make it so The Hulk goes out of control in New York, Spidey tries to stop him, gets torn apart, he needs cybernetic implants to survive and thus emerges a stronger but infertile Spidey as in his package no longer works cause the Hulk kick him in the nuggets wink.gif. As a result Jane goes psycho cause she can't get any and dumps Parker, moves to LA and becomes a great actress since she is not pissed with Parker and his geeky shit anymore and now that she has suffered greatly thanks to Parker, this has enabled her to become a great actress. I mean cause Parker giving up Jane to bring back his dead aunty is really believable and a good story. Maybe if it where both his aunty and uncle it would be realistic and Parker made Mephisto put in a clause in there that they would live a long happy, healthy life together. But please what kind of piss ass deal did they come up with. Thats the best they could imagine Parker asking for I mean really, well they did kill off Captain America cause they can't make fun stories with him anymore so what can I expect. Captain America hunting down Venom I guess would not be fun, or him fighting Deadpool.

    I be that after they pull this shit the first thing they are going to do is have Parker hook up with some hot blond and have it not work out after five or six issues

    How many Geeks at your job do you know that have hot girlfriends or wives raise their hands. Game artists and Game developers are mostly geeks not jocks. Build computers, check, deal with technical shit all the time, check. Guy with super powers not getting laid, sounds realistic to me. What are they going to do now, make him not be sure of himself? Really, Parker is a cocky prick, that is part of the reason he gets himself into trouble. So yeah he would get the red head in the end, especially after she finds out that he can lift small cars. That's realistic. Just because some suits at Marvel didn't have the balls to get to know the girl of their dreams doesn't mean Parker wouldn't be able to.

    On a side note, I happen to like crossovers. I liked the death of superman and the justice league crossover it was cool. Even the return of superman was nice. The whole bullsit they pulled of saying that Superman was now in danger of dying again and he needed the Parasite thing, bs. Warmachine kicking Xforce ass was cool too. The problem with most crossovers is that the characters gain nothing from it, but in the good ones the characters do grow from it. Maximum Carnage, so where's Carnage? There are plenty of good stories to be told without screwing with Parker. Has he ever fought Deadpool?

  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    maybe you guys should read good comic and STFU
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    good thing I abandoned marvel comics long ago.

    Right now it's Invincible for me smile.gif
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