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How do YOU focus?

polycounter lvl 18
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HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
I really need help with this at the moment, as I'm incapable of focusing on anything, much less learning 3d modelling (Which has been an interest of mine for years)
I'm not sure, but today I tried to learn 3dsmax and fell asleep at my computer for half an hour.


  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Eat healthy, get rest, unplug your modem.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I like your thinking
  • Eric Chadwick
    Less internets.

    Seriously though, helps me to have a focus for learning new tools, like I want to replicate an effect I saw elsewhere. Been learning volume rendering a bit, playing with animated 3d procedurals in fog projected by a light. Helps to have something inspiring to keep me moving.

    Also non-computer breaks help.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    -unplug your tv immediately, it is useless

    -setup rewards for yourself. ie "if I can model a decent head today, I'll smoke the premium crack tonight"

    -turn off your IM programs

    -dont surf the internet

    -force yourself to start doing whatever it is you do, no matter how little inspiration or drive you have. No matter how shitty the work is, after 15 or 20 mins of forced practice, I'll usually get in the groove.

    -drink insane amounts of coffee and listen to good metal
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I'll buy a four pack of energy this weekend and pray that friends don't come over to play rockband, and if they do i'll simply shut them out with some good music, etc...
    Wish I could do such tonight but school has a way of sneaking up on me
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Get a dry erase board. Draw in a week mon- sun. Write a goal of how many hours you want to work that week. Then write a daily goal for each day of the week. Mark your daily progress in red and green. Red for when you do not meet your goal, green for when you meet or exceed it. Helps me when I need to meet a deadline and juggle my day job, family, play time.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Ask if getting off your couch is right for you...hit the gym...

    People who spend a little less time other than for work in front of the computer would be able to concentrate better.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    exercise is awesome, it really is, but after you get out of the habit after your second session... just walk. walk for 20 minutes, daily if you can, but it ain' no thing... it defeats the purpose if you make it a Big Deal. but if you can manage it, it always does wonders for your peace of mind, which invariably helps you concentrate when you need to.

    other than that, regular sleep, good habits and routines, etc etc etc
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    -unplug your tv immediately, it is useless

    [/ QUOTE ]

    my TV is my computer wink.gif

    I find that the buzz of creating something is enough to get back into the groove. Although in saying that, under extreme pressure to get things done (freelance deadlines etc) I find myself doing the washing or playing with objects in my house, or even finding bits of interesting software to install. Anything but doing the actual work I'm meant to be doing until time runs out.

    My solution is just fucking do it. Give your work space a clean first, get all the potential clutter out of the way, then stick some music on (headphones are best) and just pile into your project. If you don't have a project, browse art forums, go to the zoo, jot down ideas in your moleskin.

    It's not always about turning the internet off as it's an integral part of modeling / design research, although this helps, what more important is breaking your browsing habits. Train yourself to do something else - when you feel the need to browse facebook for 8 hours, or just check your email for the 1000th time that hour, break the habit by doing something else.

    We have an underlying need to feel connected and it can by addictive and is certainly destructive to artists of all genres. I've seen some of the best programmers and musicians I know reduced to incompetent useless fools by counter-strike and WoW. In those cases, connectivity becomes a drug. fine if you work in a super market stacking shelves, the internet is just "playstation generation" of the late naughties, let those people waste their lives, but don't wate your natural talent and drive to create.

    Good luck. The only way to beat this is to "just fucking do it", as the famous Creek philosopher Nike once said. Then creativity will be the drug and you won't give a damn about the internet. Of course everything would be easier if the internets came with one of these:

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I'll tell you how I DONT focus.

    I check the same damn forums and web pages about 10 times a minute.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    play a game, get inspired, model.
  • Nilium
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    Nilium polycounter lvl 18
    I leave my room, then wander around, sketch, take pictures, anything other than use my computer. Won't touch the computer if I need to focus, because god knows I won't do jack shit I'm supposed to do on it unless I'm already focused.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    Turn off the tv, put on some music you like (some will disagree on this though), and make sure the computer you work on isnt connected to the internet. I use my shitty laptop if i want to use internet, but for working i have a seperate workstation.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    You know, sometimes I have such a hard time getting motivated to create or write anything. Sometimes it is other things in my life that are bothering me, sometimes it is work related stress or troubles. If I am ever working at home and having trouble concentrating I usually go take a nice, long, hot shower and visualize what I plan to make and it helps me when I get out.

    The number one thing that distracts the shit out of me is random internet sites like digg, polycount, smashboards, etc. I was honestly thinking about making a Firefox extension that will totally disable the entire browser for a certain amount of time and you can't re-enable it until the time is up. It would really help me out.
  • Master_v12
    Working on stuff is like eating... and lazyness is like the eating disorder of creativity! lol... anywhoo. Truth is, you really get into a project when you find yourself really exited about it. like people are saying, you might just need a spark of inspiration to really put you in gear. You have to find yourself more interested in your work, then whatever is on youtube, or tv, or whatever... If you are barely learning, try doing some tutorials to help guide you. ALSO! Here is the mental part... It is possible to loose trust in yourself just like you loose trust in other people. If you tell yourself that you are going to do something, and you end up not even starting it, eventually, you will subconsciously loose trust to yourself and that is a really shitty place to be in... So ask yourself if you trust yourself, and be honest to yourself if the answer is no...so next time you set a goal of any sort, MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LOOSE TRUST IN YOURSELF!!! Hope that helps, buh bye!
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    a ring on the front of my eye
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll buy a four pack of energy this weekend and pray that friends don't come over to play rockband, and if they do i'll simply shut them out with some good music, etc...
    Wish I could do such tonight but school has a way of sneaking up on me

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Skip the coffee and/or energy drinks, it's not good for you, and you don't need it if you eat right in the first place. If you don't eat right, then start eating right, just stay away from quick energy. They're not good in the long run.

    Don't let your friends come over to play Rock Band if you need to focus. Just say no to them, and reserve some time for them.

    On the topic of reserving time. Schedule your free time, your learning time. Get a timer and work in 15 minute bursts, and every 15 minutes you take a minute or two to review how you've spent those 15 minutes and rub your temples with your eyes closed for a few seconds. If you are procrastinating instead of working/learning, it will be more noticable at the end of each 15-minute burst and you won't have wasted 20 minutes on the latest episode of 30 Rock.

    It's a lot of work involved in being productive. At least in the beginning it is. Once you've learned to discipline yourself, you won't need to stop every 15 minutes for self-scrutiny. But every professional needs to take a break in regular intervals and review how the time has been spent.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    when all else fails, stop obsessing over processes and mindsets and all the rest of the indulgent tortured-artist WANK you see bandied across internet forums, and just sit down and do it

    if, at that point, you find 3D art to be a bit of a chore, it's probably not fo you and you should go out and do something less boring instead.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    I am sorry but if you are really passionate about something then, you shouldn't have any trouble getting motivated to do it. Simple. Stop making excuses. Post more art.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I use my sig motto. It means, don't start with a blank page. Throw something down, anything.. then say, hm that took 10 mins, and looks shit. I'll change this bit. Ok that looks better, now this bit sticks out as crap. Keep shaving off the rough edges instead of trying to make the perfect thing in one shot- constant improvements is a positive process; but if you try get it perfect in one go and fail, then it's demoralizing
  • nkoste
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    nkoste polycounter lvl 18
    erhm.. I don't think I've done anything in life that I haven't at some point grown bored with. I agree though that sometimes you just have to do it in spite of that.

    Oh yeah and rooster said it!
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Jimmies learning 3d modeling isn't a walk in the park. I'm not sure if you have learned to think in 3d but it took me a very long time to get used to seeing four views and not get confused. But I like the freaking thing instantly and the fact that it was hard as shit for me just made me more determined to learn it. I used to fall asleep reading the book and teaching myself the program. You fall asleep because your brain is being a little dick and forcing you not to deal with the frustration. Well that's how I look at it when it happens to me. wink.gif not trying to insult you here, just be clear. It's normal and it happens. It sounds to me that you are coming from another program though. If you haven't done 3d modeling the easiest way to learn it is to model something you like, it my be a gun, tank, may favorite, or a car. Look for references load them up in the viewport and make a cube. then start tracing. If its a car make 4 cylinders and a cube and go from there. Go to 3d buzz and download the tutorials for Max if you have never used the program cause they are really motivating, at least for me and will show you the basics quickly. Poop has some nice tutorials too. I like Buzz and the crew and how they interact more than anything else, it just fun so that's why I enjoy watching them. It reminds me of the good times I had in school with my buddies in the 3d animation class and how we made fun of each other at times.

  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    loike what you do
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    Giving myself a schedule helped me. Strange as it sounds, sometimes too much free time will demotivate. You find yourself thinking "i'll do it later, or tomorrow". Schedule as much as possible, not just art. Really, like what time you eat, when you are allowed to take breaks, watch tv. Set a day for not doing project related stuff too, too much can also demotivate you.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    yeah on that note, when there's something to do and it seems massive, just be sure to do a bit each day- even just a tiny bit of progress is better than no bit at all
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    turn all the lights off, blast some techno to the point it pisses off the neighbors and get a shit ton of beer. Usually helps me go into a working daze for a while without any hangups or creative blocks.

    Just gotta find something related to it that your really interested in. No need to force yourself to sit down and do it if your not completely excited about it. You'll get no where like that.

    I used to find the online tuts. that were related to stuff I was really interested in most to learn with first. After i got past that hump of being bored with some of the learning material I eventually got ahold of different areas of 3d and played around with that.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I think if you enjoy it then you won't have much problem getting motivated. i just enoy making 3d stuff as much as I always have, though it can be really frustrating at times.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20

    And working on stuff I like..
    Regardless of anything I try, I just find it excruciatingly difficult to work on something I hate.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    [ QUOTE ]
    get a shit ton of beer

    [/ QUOTE ]
    this kills me.. If I drink any more than a few tins, any motivation evaporates and I play games or go to the pub, anything except what I was supposed to be working on. Use with caution..
  • Rens
    find out at what time of the day you are most productive. im most productive in the evening. also, if your behind 3d all day and all night, and you cannot concentrate at all, maybe its time to take a little break. let it be for a couple days and then pick it up again.

    grab a beer, put up some music, and let it flow. <not the beerz>
  • spitty
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    spitty polycounter lvl 19
    i bring my laptop and wacom to a coffee shop and do work there. there are a lot less distractions there, and lots of coffee to keep you awake.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I am sorry but if you are really passionate about something then, you shouldn't have any trouble getting motivated to do it. Simple. Stop making excuses. Post more art.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second that. Art is work. You either have the drive or you don't. No one here has a magic bullet. The more 'woe is me' you believe the more everyone passes you up.

    Inspiration when attempting to learn production art is bullshit. Learn it, do it, or try something else. Your television's set in relation to the outlet has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    I'm not being intentionally harsh, just honest.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I gotta say focus has everything to do with if you really enjoy doing what you do. I have just started going back to the gym and eating right and it has made a huge difference on how I feel during the workday.

    I do 3d all day at work and then go home and usually do more at home.

    When I am feeling burnt out I take a break at home and work on sculptures, play video games, watch movies, play with my son, get out of the house.

    Not one person has the routine that will work for everyone. Joe Schmoe might jack off 4 times before he can crank out a crazy high poly model and be done. That might work for him but that's not gonna work for everyone.

    So you just gotta keep messing around until you find something that works but it's like working out. When it becomes routine and all the same then it becomes boring.

    Learn how to liven and spice things up.
  • Aldo
    For me, there are two sides of being focused. The 'habit' side and the 'mental' side...and both sides can't work without the other.

    The 'habit' side is where you have to train yourself to be focused, get a system..calendars with x's or some sort of reward system. For me, I have 3 main things that I feel I need to work on: Art, exercise, relationships, and every now and then I'll throw a 4th in. I bought a year calendar and every day that I work on the 3 or 4 things...I get an X for each. Each X = $1. So, whenever I want something that is completely a luxury, such as a game, or ridiculous toy..I have to 'trade in' my X's...and so this way, I also train myself to spend my money better and it motivates me to work. I don't think this system would work for everyone...but it's important to have SOME system of training yourself.

    The second half of 'focusing' has to do with the mental aspect. There are two main ways for me to come to a mental state of being focused. The first way is inspiration, but if you look at our psychological 'needs', in order for us to be inspired, we pretty much have to have other parts of our well being taken care of...so, no worrying about your safety or obsessing over a girlfriend...when you're at a good place in life, it's much easier to get inspired. The second way I see people getting focused is when they feel like they NEED to do work. For me, I think of where I want to go in life and what I'll NEED to do to get there. I also think of the fact that I'm competing with people who have been in the industry for 10 or more years...etc. People who have put the time in and dedication...so, for me, I always feel like I'm behind and so that usually motivates me into working harder.

    Just find what motivates you. Is it money? Fame? Love? Being comfortable? and be honest to yourself about it. Also realize that anything worth having, isn't obtained without sacrifice.

    Also on a side note, I think 'knowing yourself' and knowing exactly what you want out of life is a very important thing when trying to motivate yourself...because if you're not sure what you want...then how much effort would you put into something you're not sure about...you know. So maybe, take some time to really think about what you want in life...and then think of how you would obtain it.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Honestly it's not that I don't want to draw it's just that I do it too much without getting anywhere.
    And 3d modelling is much the same, but i'll sit and the dark and work at it as long as it takes because I do enjoy it...
    Getting better is the annoying part
  • PandaBurr
    i have the same problem jimmi i feels your pain ;_;
    i've been thinking bout just buying a hookah and sitting down and reading ....
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i had that problem for a long while too, with specularity. turns out it was a combination of lighting and specularity that was causing the problems. the key here is to experiment a lot,
    and spend time studying/copying by drawing other peoples work, find out what you like,
    and what you don't like about their work, and spend time with looking at the world around you.
    spend time doing a lot of real-life drawing as well,
    mostly to learn about light and shadows.
    you have to crawl around a bit sometimes to get better.
  • Pedro Amorim
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    any alcohol at all kills my desire to be anywhere near a keyboard.

    the laptop + coffee shop thing works. Thats where I write my blog
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I think i'm getting too far ahead of myself At the moment, as I don't even have a concrete drawing style or anything right now.
    I'll get to the modelling part only to realize I have nothing to work from, and when I attempt to make something to work from i realize I can't draw the same thing from multiple angles...
    So back to improving drawing.
    laugh.gif i love drawing moar anywho
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    this is what i do.

    sit quietly with my eyes closed and quiet myself a bit. let go of any expectations of what i should or shouldn't do. consider what i know is important and focus on what it is that i want. get a clear mental image in my head of the thing that I want to do. make the picture bigger and brighter, move it closer, turn it into a movie, feel how happy I feel when I look at it and intensify that feeling.

    here's a page about a seemingly good motivation strategy:


    (the ve, vI, and AD means external visual, internal visual image, and internal diologe, respectively)

    if you get good at manipulating your mind on this level you can get leverage on yourself to stick your cock in a termite's nest if you want to. well.. probably not.
  • Kristian
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    Kristian polycounter lvl 18
    Get in a mindset to take your time. It'll be faster. You'll feel better. You'll get better.
  • Oneil
    take a weekend class at a Jc and take an art drawing class if you can , it will change the way you look at things but then again if you're not into it then don't even bother doing the the 3D thing I say.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    One of the bigger distractions that few of us would own up to but most afflict 99% of us is porn.

    Best to get that "creative time" out of the way before sitting down to something creative.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'm sorry what was the question?
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