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Need a little advice...

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Geezus mod
So, I had applied to a few studios, and did not get offered the positions. I realize that, though I know I have the skills to do the job well, my current 'folio is comprised of various work at various stages in my artistic development. So, instead of having a strong portfolio that demonstrates my current skillset, it looks as though my skills are all over the place. My plan was to take a solid month off from applying, and really churn out work that better represents my current skillset, while removing the older work that doesn't show my current skillset.

There is a studio that I have a few friends at, and have a strong desire to work at. I am confident, given the month that I had hoped for, that I could give them a very good impression of my skills, and land a spot. However, I've recently been given a heads up on a possible position opening sooner than anticipated, and I just started this trek into upgrading my portfolio. So, my dilemma is, do I apply and get turned down based on what I already know of what currently represents my work, or maybe land the position? Or, do I hold off on applying, upgrade my portfolio to what I know it can be, and hope another spot opens soon?

I'm confused, because I'm not sure if applying, with what I know to be a currently weak portfolio, will hurt any future opportunities I may have with this company, or if by reapplying with a stronger portfolio later on would benefit me. Are people with weak portfolios given a certain stigma later on that could damage their future chances of ever landing a position with that studio? Or, is it good to see a previous applicant reapply, showing determination to work there, with a stronger 'folio?


  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Remember...your portfolio repels jobs...if ill prepared that is.

    If you really can churn out something within that timespan...I certainly suggest you do.

    If you just reapply again...it would be spamming.

    And just keep in touch with the folks over there who you know and keep them updated.

    I did the wait and work on new portfolio and so far I got several new leads...wouldn't hurt much.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Can you rework items in your existing portfolio?

    The reason I ask, is that it is going to be quick to update a few of your pieces to a high standard - a few days at most.

    Looking at it, the first thing I clicked on was the medieval building. With one evenings work that could look much better - baking some AO into the vertex colours, making it more organic (i.e. less like it was built with a spirit level), update the textures etc.

    Spend 1/2 a day polishing the textures on the spaceship. Just go a get a load of ref from google from star wars and trek and battlestar and the like. Try tanks and battleships and airplanes.

    The high poly pillar? You've got a decent low poly, spent a day building modular parts for the highpoly, rebuild it, rebake the normals. Ding - another piece done in a day.

    That apartment you build? Up the polycount by a few faces to cut in poly edges for the trim parts, bisect the walls so that you can tile those textures - then you've got a slightly higher polygon model that has much better texture use, thus the textures appear to be higher resolution. Check the height of the windows, where the meet the trim. Bevel the trim. Consider decoration the lower level differently. Consider adding the lower section to a different texture sheet, then duplicating the building a few times and use slightly different uppers and lowers to make it look like a row of easily repeatable buildings in a street. Build a few seps going up into it. Perhaps a plant pot or tow - make it lived it.

    Add some debris to the street - why not use that nice dumpster prop that you built? That's free detail in the scene.

    Remove the street textures from the texture sheet - in an environment that would be a separate entity, and you'll be reusing the road and pavement textures ALL THE TIME.

  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Im using firefox. If right click on one of the thumbnails on the front page and open in a new tab, then go to the new tab and click on the thumbnails on the left hand side, that tumbnail will open in the first tab (the front page tab). Pretty weird, thought I should let you know.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    pilang: That was my original thought process. I'm not thinking of spamming the company if I'm not able to land a position, though.

    rick: Wow, that's probably one of the best over-all critiques I've gotten on my 'folio. I really appreciate it. I've decided to not let this opportunity pass...since, well you never know, right? That being said, I'm going to do exactly what you recommended and re-visit those pieces before submitting anything. I'll especially be revisiting the street building, and turning it into something more modular, possibly duplicating it out to create a small street scene. All of that seems very doable, in a short amount of time. Thanks again man, I really appreciate it.

    asmuel: yeah...don't do that. :P
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you just reapply again...it would be spamming.

    [/ QUOTE ]No it wouldn't. Proving you can improve and quickly can and has landed plenty of people including myself an entry level games development job.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Do what Rick said, but if you really want to apply fast just take the textures and sex them up. Your models would look twice as nice with some great texture work, and that in itself could prove to an employer that you are worth taking since textures are so important with current engines.
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