ok , so i ran into the following snag once again ( yes i bet i have the record of beeing useless with computers, they just hate me...FACT ) :
i had the drivers that came with the manufacturer , and unfortunately i cant instal drivers realesed by nvidia , so i have to get them from alienware site ( my computer is an alienware M9750 , with 2.2 ghz core dua, and Gforce GO 7950 CTX 512 gdram ( or mb , whats the difference ehheh ).
So since the pc had problems on call of duty 4 ( freezing up , and also on other games i play ) i decided to go to laptop2videogo ( thanks daz ! ) and downloaded their drivers. It works really nice except that i notice a drop down in perfomance, i tried like 10 diferent versions already. For example in the model viewer i have i had 60 constant fps, after i install the drivers i only have 49 fps , it might not seem much its ok to work, but on games you kinda see the need for more speed. Also my graphic card seems to be working harder now altho i have less perfomance ( ??? ) and i have the nvidia panel with let the 3d aplication decide, and everything pointing for perfomance.
im kinda lost and i have two choices : go to the ooooold drivers and not be able to play games or be able to play games but perfomance suffers a great hit...
apreciate some help thanks !
EDIT : and i had my monitor resolution with 75 Hz , but now i cant even add a resolution with more than 60 hz ? and 75 work fine in this monitor

I am sure they will try and fix em at some point.
I just upgraded my driver through this site. really cool