Gameplay Scenario: 2 battle cruisers side by side. Grappling hooks locking them together. Players will be able to walk either walk across the huge cables, use a JumpPad to get to the other side. There will be access to turrets but i'm not sure how many I will use. Probably 1 or 2. The flag is located in the central core, which will be visible from the upper deck but players will not be able to jump down onto the flag.
Extra Objective Idea: I made a test map with a context use senario where the flag was protected by a shield and where you would need to deactivate the shield in order to get the flag. In my kismet tests, this works well, but not sure how players would react to a new gameplay element in Capture the Flag.
As you can see from the layout I made in SketchUp, I want the upper floor to be easy to navigate with with the power core being where the flag is located. There are also 4 entrances upper level, for easy access to the outside of the ship.
The lower level has the flag in the center with multiple escape routes and no dead ends. Teleporters would provide quick movement from the outside to the ship to the inside.
Comments, suggestions are appreciated
I am starting a greymap pass with bsp today to get the sense of scale and gameplay.
I like the shield thing to protect the flag too, I guess it can be a nice addition if done well and can enhance the core gameplay quite a bit, guess the playtests will tell
I'll be happy to playtest the level though
I´m all for it!
Sounds and looks awesome!
I think it would be cool if the ships were shaking and vibrating occasionally from the attacks when you´re inside.
I´ll be watching this!
Slaught: yep, i really miss assault which is why i'm playing around with the shield idea. would make capturing the flag just a little more fun.
I think the idea is great...were it me I'd add an area around the map with low grav in the event they fall off the cables or lose their footing.
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i was considering teleporting the player to their base, so to keep the frustration to a minimum.
just my 2 cents tho
Layout in BSP
Flag Room
Reactor Area
Gun Turret Placements
After I'm happy with the balance, I'll add some bots and watch them play out the level. Then, I'll release another alpha and let you guys play it for feedback
Legion: I'd prefer to get the balance and gameplay working before focusing on decoration. Its easier for me to move or replace BSP brushes quickly should i need to mix up the level. It will definately be seeing an art pass
All I can picture for this is that 2010 (bad movie hah) transport where the guys get in these cable car space-suits that move at a steady pace in between the new and the old ship. Probably won't get that if you've never seen the movie.
And i could provide some fb after testing i guess.
Keep it up, good job.