well, i like everything these days it seems, yessir, i liked it.
how the first one should have been imo. i really enjoyed the unforgiving deaths that good rated R movies had in the 80's, movie makers with balls. the plot choices kept me guessing and paranoid. i've always hated how movies let the characters in a story get away with so much bullshit because killing them isn't productive, or whatever... it's like playing d&d with a dungeon master who won't kill you for doing stupid shit *pushes up glasses w/ snort* ygnuhn! it takes the serious out of the game, out of the monster, it removes that sense of danger and tension.
it needed random nudity to meet my bill for a good 80's style rated R action movie, but i have the sense to see past it, and a panty shot worked for me in aliens, why shouldn't it work for me here. it's more mature this way. it fits with having less to no big-name tallent involved with the project, really takes the gaterade out of it, and that's a personal term, and a good thing - i have the internet afterall, porn is at my fingertips so, it doesn't seem so much as a loss than a testiment of how awesome-useful the internet is.
i don't typically enjoy watching movies more than once, but this? i could definately watch this one a second go, mmm-your thoughts?
im gonna try and drag colleen to this next week!
As such, I'm going into the second movie with extremely low expectations.
Spoiler those shitty trailers were very misleading!
balls. the directors had them in spades. i wanted unforgiving action, i got it. little kid hunting with his dad? no fucking mercy! hot chick? dead before a relationship can develop, and killed in such a who-gives-a-fuck way! unexpected. newborns? alien don't give a shit, them are tasty! i see pregnant lady, aliens sees useful hive for her babies. no room; no mercy, there are aliens with sharp teeth that love the taste of your skin in the mix here, sorry bitch! aliens and preditors don't give a shit about your stupid television series level concerns, there are faces to be eaten, planets to save, ship wreckage to coverup and alien technology to reclaim and protect. THAT's more important than seeing if girl next door is the one. there is no room for hero save the day. there is only room for acidic blood and nuke explosions. there is room for ass hole boyfriend dying in exotic way; caught between and alien and a preditor... briliant. love it. it's like romance was hot tub, and action was a fat guy. good stuff
killingpeople hit on all the high points. I had a good time. The Predator kicked some serious ass. Triangle targeting technology = win.
They don't call the movie Aliens vs. Predator vs. Humans. It's Aliens vs Predator. Humans should be little more than appetizers in a slugfest such as this.
i wish they'd just let that franchise die, but people just can't get enough of them aliens and predators.. so i wouldn't be surprized if they made a third one... and that would be the one to burry it even deeper in the SUCK
I hope they just go back to making Alien movies. I miss the days of Alien and Aliens...even the last Aliens was pretty sweet.
Alien Resurrection just had too much of this "Joss Whedon Vibe" to it, i always expected Buffy to jump out and start shooting Aliens - not sure why.
Props to Rebb for liking Fincher's alien 3.. I thought I was the only one *sniff*.
aside from the parts from the trailer, which even those weren't executed well when put in the movie, it was a random cry fest with characters with over and under acted emotions.
if you do plan on seeing it, look forward to squinting 80% of the movie trying to see in the dark and rainy scenery... fuck if I know what was even going on through most of those parts.
Of course, that brings me to my most obvious complaint about this movie. It was derivative. Almost painfully so. And it didn't just rip off previous Alien and Predator movies. It ripped off everything. I even saw one part that reminded me of The Poseidon Adventure. Of course, it was sans Gene Hackman, so it obviously fell far short of the drama and pathos that he was able to produce.
Aside from that complaint, I was fairly pleased. The predator was much more aggressive and leaner than the lumbering doomed idiots from the first film. I liked the fact that he was acting as a kind of exterminator, cleaning up the mess left by his less effective comrades. The humans were pure 100% ground beef. The acting was quite obviously sub-standard, but effective enough for the condiderably smaller amount of screen time that they got. From the beginning, it was obvious that the movie was going to treat every human character as a disposable commodity. They were there to be eaten and hunted, and they fulfilled that role well enough.
I was more than a little confused about the decisions surrounding the aliens, though. The Predalien is an obviously neat concept, but it suffered terribly from lumbering oaf syndrome. And the way it "reproduced"? Bizarre, and it reminded me of the crappy ending of Alien Resurrection. Also, I believe that these Aliens had ridged skulls, while the aliens in the first AvP had smooth skulls. I don't know if that was supposed to be a nod to the first two films in the Alien series, but I thought it a rather unfortunate and obvious oversight.
who needs movies anyways, we have games and the internet.
IGN Review
If you like Aliens or Predators, then go ahead and see this film, it has plenty of both. If you are not a fan of these critters, than stay away. They are the reason to see this, and you won't find anything else appealing.
do yourself a favor and dont see this untill its on hbo
I'll probably catch this on DVD, I'm a real tight-ass.
I will go watch the fuck out of this movie on your word
and it will rule
Sectaurs: please hurry.
Asmuel: i watched the first season of the flight of the concords and found a whole new respect for new zealand so i automatically like you. i wish i was new zealandian.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahaha good stuff. Yea they do wonders for our reputation abroad. Im a huge fan, and a huge fan of anyone who is also a huge fan
They've been pretty much our only good export after we lost the Rugby, Netball, Cricket world cup and the America's cup
The human characters' generic or non existent personalities were a big sore point for me. In the moments when they weren't getting vivisected, you could swear you were watching a soap opera. Not one of those pretentious, classy ones either. Rather, one of those really cheesy ones that doesn't even take itself seriously.
If you enjoyed it, I'm happy for you, to each his own and all that. But I left the cinema feeling like I was still waiting for the movie to really begin.
(sry hasent seen the new movie)
Wasn't amazing or "great," but that kind of gore (even though it was very quick on screen most of the time) was welcome
best date movie of the year!
It sounds like this would have been a perfectly acceptable mid-80s movie but cheese in current movies is unacceptable so this movie is horrible.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, no, actually. Remember that the mid-80's were actually the time when the best movies in both franchises were released. (Aliens in 1986, and Predator in 1987) The mid-80s were the heyday of big-scale action movie blockbusters. And if AvP2 had been held up to those standards, it would have seemed even more pathetic. Part of the reason why I'm so willing to go easy on it at the moment is because there are much fewer movies of this ilk coming out recently. And those that do are usually absolutely awful. AvP2 is a decent popcorn flick compared to current action movies. If it were compared to the action epics of yesteryear, it would be even more harshly criticized.
If I compare AvP2 to either Predator or Aliens, it is laughable. It is only by avoiding those dirrect comparisons that I am able to enjoy the film.