So I've been following the folowing tutorial:
And have had a couple of problems using Maya 7.0 and actorx.
I've been using the FBX rigs supplied by oXYnary, located in the following thread: (thanks again Husch for directing me to the thread)
I first import the FBX using the following settings (and I've used a lot of variations on these settings as well ...)
So the fbx file imports like so:
with joints showing and the model is bound ect. I tried importing my own modeled head, bound it to the root node of the rig and also got it to work in the editor.
I use the following options in ActorX:
The tutorial says to use the selection options ... but for some reason they are greyed out in the maya options (so If I do get a complete character I guess I'll have to delete the remainder of the mesh and import them 1 piece at a time)
And I export the "save mesh/refpose" animation backage, and I import it into unreal ed:
In the viewer, the model shows up perfect:
but as soon as I apply some default animations to it, things get a little wonky:
The most noticable problem, is with the legs. When my character does the pelvic thrust he has nothing constraining him to the ground, and he sort of glides and floats freely in the air.
When I show my exported FBX's bones in the editor:
and compare it to a "healthy character: he is missing the following areas and bones.
I'm not sure if this is a problem with importing, I'm not even sure that these are actually bones or if they're IK handles.
The following nulls appear in maya, but really don't have any joints/IKs:
So I've tried a lot, I have a feeling it's how I'm importing using the FBX plug-in, and am wondering if I should just try with newer version of maya
(oh and a note, i did delete the Bip Root and the Bip01 bone like the tutorial instructed)
I'm kind of down because if I had a bettwe understanding of rigging in max I think I would have solved this by now.
10 bones are missing from the import. And they are the bones either acting as IK handles, or as constraints for the character so he/she's standing on the ground.
I just said F^&* it and have resumed the rest of the tutorial, but everytime I try to reference mypackage and model it makes UT3 crash (which is actually kind funny ....)
Thanks for the help though, I look forward to reading your importing notes when you post them.
edit: Did you use maya to import by chance?
You might have to check that "hierarchy as bones" option to get the root and hand bones exporting right.
Also turn off "assume maya coords" if you have already set your prefs to have z-axis up.
If you've done that in maya, you've basically done the work of the "assume maya coords" for UED, but if you leave it checked it will still rotate your model 90 degrees on import and so generate the error you are seeing when you attach the animations. (used to happen to me in ut2k4 too)
Ok never mind most of that.
I just went through the process myself and Actorx really isn't getting the heirarchy thing, so heres a fixed (all bone) skeletons for maya 7. Once you rig something to this skeleton it will work. yes I tested it first.
Download Skeleton
I feel somewhat bad flooding the Technical Forums with all of these questions :-( All my problems are relatively easy to solve, I just lack a lot of experience importing characters into higher end engines. Unreal 2K4 was pretty easy to import into.
Thank you again for adding all of those extra joints, I just had no idea where they were supposed to be located, parented, orientated, ect. I'm just not that experienced with rigging in Max or how it would translate into maya (mabye I should get to reading my "art of rigging" book :-( )
but thank you so much again! I'll see what happens. I allready exported, and all of the animations look great
I'm sorry for my english, I'm french.
However, the weapon will not move, or point, properly if you do not create socket definitions on your custom model in unreal ed.
I need to fix a few things on the male skeleton anyway. While I'm at it I'll make maya compatible versions of the other two. Thanks for reminding me.
OH and your English is quite clear. Much better than my French so don't worry.
grab it here if you want it.