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CrazyBump Beta 6



  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    the specmap function rocks again^^
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Hi all,

    Beta Test 7.6 is up!

    It contains interface tweaks and bug fixes.

    Release notes are here: http://crazybump.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1212#1212


  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    downloaded this afternoon, looks good so far.

    Thanks for the great work Ryan.
  • Michael Knubben
    I haven't really replied to these threads too often, but I wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying Crazybump. The interface doesn't really do it for me, but I take it it's too late to do much about. If not, would you welcome suggestions?
    Aside from that, I like the results I get out of this, and I hope that when it's finished it'll be 'attractively priced'.
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks, MightyPea!

    I'm glad to take suggestions on any aspect of the software!

    We won't see a big UI redesign in the near future, but it's sure to happen eventually. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hi, wonder if anyone can help me out- I've rendered a normal map off, but when I load it into CB, it's really harsh like it's been enhanced. What value of intensity equals the original un-adjusted map?

    also, I've rendered the map off in maya, do I need to invert any of the chanels to have it appear correcly on an imported model?
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Rooster,

    I'm afraid you'll have to eyeball the intensity setting... sorry about that!

    Depending what setting Maya uses, you might have to invert Y-axis in crazybump's preferences before loading your normal map. If crazybump's displacement map looks right in the 2d window, then it will render correctly on your model.
  • Phobos
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    Phobos polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, so a little delayed. but here goes.

    Still not working,
    I have the latest drivers for my 6800 gt(could the card be an issue?)
    DirectX is up to date.
    I've downloaded the 7.6 full and installed it.

    I notice when I run crazybump, screen flashes a bunch, and it takes its sweet time to open. When it does after only double clicking it once, three copies open up.

    I really want to use crazy bump frown.gif
    Might just boot up my laptop, works fine over there.
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Hi, Phobos,

    Thanks for reporting the problem. I hope I can get it sorted out. Your video card ought to be fine. My guess is that the trouble lies elsewhere.

    Would you mind downloading WinAudit, and sending me an audit of your machine? That might help me to find where the problem lies..

    Also, could you try rebooting into safe mode, to see if CrazyBump works better that way?

    Thanks for helping me track down this bug. Sorry CrazyBump isn't working for you!
  • Phobos
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    Phobos polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, cool. I'll try those out. Back in a bit.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hmm still having a spot of bother getting a maya rendered normal map to correctly display on a maya exported cube in CB. I tried swapping the red and green channels but still got strange shading :/
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Rooster, If you'll send me the normal map I'll have a look and see what settings are necessary.

    Actually, please send both normal map and cube. I'll see what I can figure out!


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hi Ryan, thanks for looking into this smile.gif
    please take a look in http://www.redprodukt.com/post/cb/

    all I've done is normal map a bevelled edge box onto a cube, is that enough? theres a jpeg in there showing the map loaded in cb with y inverted in prefs compared to how it displays in maya

    edit: it's really odd, the box displays fine in viewport preview but mental ray renders it all dented too(looks a bit different though). I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong, or maya, or what :S

    edit again: I baked the map with the whole low poly cube set to smooth, and in the viewport that looks spot on. If I set the normals to hard edged, then the viewport model looks more like the mental ray render and looks dented. Is it a normals issue on the model?
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Interesting... it might be a difference in the way tangent space is created in maya's viewport, and the way it is calculated in CrazyBump / Mental Ray.

    As an experiment, does CrazyBump's render look better if you split your simple cube into more polygons?
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    didn't seem to help.. i know bugger all about the technical aspects of all this, but what it looks like to me is that the normal map has a kind of curved shape because its compensating for the cube being smoothed- but in crazybump its maybe acting like the object is hard edged causing the shading to dent inwards?

    Maybe I picked a bad test case, is there one you think would be more useful?
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    As another experiment, could you try un-smoothing the faces of your low-poly cube, and baking another normal map? Does that one look better in CrazyBump?

    Thanks for reporting this!

  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Y-inverted is definitely the right setting to use. I think there may be a difference in the way that maya computes tangent space which accounts for the weird shading. I will investigate this.

    In this case, the best intensity setting seems to be around 15, and you'll want to disable parallax displacement.

    With intensity at 15 and parallax turned off, it looks a bit better but still has incorrect shading on the sides: RoosterCube.png

    I will continue investigating this. Thanks again for letting me know about it.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    the hard edge bake looks better, except theres seams on each edge (since the cage was slightly bigger than the box I guess, some rays at the corners of the box missed the high poly)
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    I'm hopeful that this problem doesn't show up in more complicated real-world models... baking a flat cube onto a smooth one is a bit of an extreme case.

    (Mind, I -do- want to get it working. But in the meantime I'm hopeful that other models will look OK.)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    One last thing - the invery y in preferences, do I keep that on when generating maps from textures to merge with my original normal map?
    edit: never mind looks like yes smile.gif. tried a sphere covered in warts, which works much better- getting some seams in the preview where uvs are split, but other than that works good, cheers!

    edit: wehey, good times!
  • Phobos
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    Phobos polycounter lvl 18
    Nice balls rooster....

    That audit I sent you is now essentially useless Ryan. My PSU melted last night. No more poopy PC frown.gif
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17

    try the softcube, its soft and smooth!
    (i only have an obj file here^^)
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry to hear that, Phobos. I hope your PC feels better soon.

    Thanks for all of your help attempting to track down that bug!
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