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What to say in interview.

Hi guys,

I didn't grow up playing video games(not many access), but I love art. I studied game art and loved it (both technical part and artistic part). I played some games when I have time, but right now in school just kinda too busy. ( I want to have good portofolio)Shall I tell the truth in job interview? I thought it is always better to be honest.


  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Sure there are tons of people in games with no background playing games. I prefer folks like you, who bring a fresh, less tainted perspective to a project. :-)
  • Xena
    I actually told EA that, and now I don't know what is going to happen. I wish I grew up in US like lots of my classmates. My parent wouldn't even let me study art or play games when I was teen.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    I don't work at EA, but I don't see how a background playing games is directly relevent to the position you are applying for...your portfolio looks pretty solid, so I wouldn't worry about that. The most productive thing I can suggest is not look back at the EA interview, and prime yourself for the next interviews. Good for your job prospects, and your own peace of mind. :-) Good luck man!
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    However for people who do say they play games...make sure to mention how that affects your view towards development as an artist...some people I've heard before didn't really answer that well and they were applying as a designer which made it just as embarrassing.
  • fogmann
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    fogmann polycounter lvl 17
    When I was interviewing for EA tiburon, of course they asked about whether I like football, and I said something like "Well, I watched some of the world cup..." and then in the next moment I hear myself say "D'oh! You call it soccer over here, right?!" >_< Well anyways, they realized I'm not at all a football fan, neither a sports games fan, but I still got hired. So don't worry, if you are confident in your abilities and your portfolio supports them, you shouldn't get stressed about not being an expert game player. After all, you're not hired for playing games, but for making art. If you were going for QA position, or as previously mentioned for a designer, it would be a different story. Anyways, wishing you the best of luck!
  • Xena
    thanks guys,

    That's very encouraging. Gotta keep working now!
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I think you summed up a good answer in your original post. Just to make it more formal, I have paraphrased for you (your English is very good but I am guessing that it is your second language? wink.gif ):

    [ QUOTE ]
    I didn't grow up playing video games because I didn't have much access to them where I grew up but I love art. Through my schooling I discovered that I love game art from both an artistic standpoint and the technical challenges it presents. I do play games now when I can find time, but right now school keeps me fairly busy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think anyone could hold an answer like that against you and, if they did, they probably wouldn't be the kind of people that you would want to work with/for anyhow. Best of luck.

    Your portfolio is very good, by the way. If EA doesn't come through with an offer I don't expect you will be searching long for a company that does.
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    This shouldn't be an issue at all. When I interviewed with EA Tiburon they asked me if I liked football and I said no.

    Then asked me if I played any EA games, and I said no. Truthfully, I hadn't played any video games since my freshman year of college since I'd been so busy. There's really no point in lying in your interview - it could trip you up, and the last thing you want to do is get caught in a lie. In the end, I was still hired.

    Honesty = Best Policy

    Being a gamer is a plus, sure, but ultimately they're interviewing you to help create the game, not to play it.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Be honest but try to impress, you do have several candidates fighting over it as well...keep in mind your strong suit matters though
  • Xena
    thanks guys, English is my second language(especially when I am nervous).. I just moved to US 4 years ago.

    I still have a year to go for school and I will keep trying. My strategy is to go diverse(cartoony, machines, beasts and the wink.gifsexy). And I want to do both modeling and texturing. So after winter break, more models will be on my website!
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Honesty is good. But you may still want to play video games. I definitely disagree with the idea of trying to be a game dev without playing games. Makes no sense. I'd suggest setting aside a half hour to an hour to play games. It's not that much time, if your are properly scheduling yourself you should be able to slip it in and it will allow you to get a better idea of the industry you are trying to get into.

    Although I do doubt it will make a difference either way. If you were going for a design position it'd be essential you play games, for art it's your portfolio that matters more.
  • Xena

    I do play games on PC and psp. I also take game design classes just to expose myself more to the game world. How I wish I could have time to play more game.

    p.s. Lots of times when i am playing a game, I am so attracted by the environments, models and texture that I got killed. ooo.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I loved playing games when younger, but never have time now . I am fan of game art in general though.
    I can't see that you have to be a big gamer to work in the industry. I come from a traditional art background, but really still consider myself a commercial artist
    I only wanted to get in to games to work on tomb raider, but alas it didn't work out.
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