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Golden Compass

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snemmy polycounter lvl 18
deliciously heretical! XD

good movie!
bad ass polar bear smile.gif


  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I heard a lot of the anti-religion stuff has been watered down or taken out. Is it still pretty much in there?
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    there was some in there but i have not read the book so i cant comment on the watered down part.
    it wasn't really anti-religion either, more 'anti-forceful dick squad'. i'd have to watch it again to be more sure.

    but wtf ever.. i dont care if it was anti-religious or not. it was a good movie. pretty good pacing, good story, good acting, good special effects.

    (being 'agnostic' [doesnt cover what i believe but i dont know another term] i hate both sides of whiney bitches. tongue.gif)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I don't much care either. The books are very strongly anti-religion, but I can be entertained without agreeing with the creator's philosophy. One of the characters in the novel describes Christianity as "a very convincing mistake" - I don't imagine that line made it into the script laugh.gif

    What's really great is that the His Dark Materials books are almost a direct rebuttal to C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, which is very pro-Christianity, and they've both been turned into Hollywood CGI flicks just a few years apart. God or no God, it all sells tickets.
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    Visuals look great. Very appealing and tempting to see. But based on personal conviction alone and my own relationship with God, no way would I see a movie made by a person who so openly hates those who believe in the God that loves him.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    might go see it later today. read the book earlier this year and thought it was pretty good. haven't read the other two books though. i might pick them up today.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Anti god movie now i know i have to see it... If not just to counter watching Conicals of Narnia.

    Knowing how much of the push god down your throat they took out of the movie version of Narnia. I still had the feeling of being in sunday school. This hopefully will take that painfully sweet taste out of my mouth.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ummm, the really anti religious stuff isnt till the 3rd book/movie. Not much changed from the book except the order of events a little.

    Also, good movie, however, considering that the theatre I went to was only 1/4 full on opening night, doesnt bode well for them making the next 2 films. THe budget was over 200 million so they have to make that back first.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Thats why trilogy's need to be made all at once... This way we don't have to worry about the rest getting green lit.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    well, from a bussiness standpoint. Noooooooo....ooo..ooo.

    however, if you know somethings about the books, the second movie is an entirely new set. Its our world, with all new characters. Its not really till the 3rd movie that it comes together.

    2nd movie would be the best btw.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to. The production quality looks great, the designs are awesome (Massive Black did concepting for the movie, I believe) and I hear the acting is really good.

    All the reviewers who have given it a lower score so far said they thought the plot was too convoluted. I've read all the books several times and loved them, so I reckon it should be fine. My guess is that they had a tricky time cramming all of the stuff from the book into the movie, so people who aren't already slightly familiar with the plot might be thrown a bit.

    I really hope they get the whole trilogy made, because some of the scenes in the later books are just awesome.

    However I have a feeling that fundamentalist Christians who automatically hate on anything vaguely "ungodly" will bog this movie down and discourage fence-sitters from seeing it.

    I read and enjoyed all of C.S. Lewis' Narnia books (and saw the movie) even though I am well aware of their strong Christian sentiment, yet I fear that people with the opposite religious viewpoint from myself will have just completely disregarded the Dark Materials books and movies once they heard that some of the content was anti-religion.
    Which is a shame, since they'll be missing out on some really great writing and interesting plotlines.

    Ah well. I should be seeing this next week.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    a friend of mine wich is religious told me that in the church the priest specifically forbade people to watch the movie, telling that it corrupts the young minds of children and manipulates them to be godless....what he doesnt know is that beeing constantly force fed religion since you are 5 is the same. oh well , will be fun watching this with my friends.

    Mop , you think the low reviews have justification ? is the movie cool ?
  • Dazzle
    Saw the movie today. Coolness in abundance. smile.gif

    Don't know much about storymaking or anything, but the movie surely immersed me. "I was like, woaw!" :P

    Well, actually I must say that the all the virtual stuff is overall really good put in. Especially the various animated stuff for the most part. A bunch of people behind me were commenting on some animated cuteness. Good stuff! smile.gif

    Edit: About the reviews I must say that I wasn't inclined to go until a friend called me. Maybe it was because it was so close to the 3d galore Beowolf movie, which wasn't cool at all for me. I just thought this movie was another failed attempt at cool 3d. Glad I was wrong. smile.gif
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I was thinking of watching this, I havent heard much about the books but the story and CG in this looks great. Im a Christian and any religious /anti-religious aspects will probably be watered down like in narnia and if they arent, well then it gives me something to talk about with my friends smile.gif.
  • Mark Dygert
    It's a movie, I'll watch it for entertainment value, which it looks to be packed full of.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    for both sides: if you're not secure enough in your Faith/or lack of, to go sit for two hours and watch a movie without being swayed then you probably should do some more soul searching... if it looks interesting go watch it/read it/whatever!

    this whole 'dont watch it! it will make you atheist!/christian!' stuff of the past few years really gets tiresome and DUMB. i DESPISE this blacker than black/whiter than white debate. it's friggin pointless and only makes people pissed off on both sides and those of us standing in between who cannot escape both sets of whiners on tv, radio, internet or walking down the street...

    this movie has a great plot(religion aside), amazing mechanical designs and environments, great acting, great music and is a great adventure story. everyone groaned when the credits started, they wanted to sit there and see more. everyone reacted physically/audibly and cheered during the polar bear fight.

    i highly recommend it.
    go see it either way. informed bitching is better than uninformed bitching. tongue.gif

    [p.s. it's finals and i am one cranky/intolerant for BS bitch this week. so many papers/paintings/scans and crap to do and member of my team was caught plagiarizing, throwing the whole project into the grinder] tongue.gifmad.gif rar!!
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Looking forward to this acctualy, The books were allright. I heard they turn down that religion stuff a bit, But Anyway the religion shit was much more into the second and third book as i recall.. I hope they make the second book into a movie aswell, I cant wait to see an actress communicating with thoses weird birds on wheel LOL!!
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I think I will give this a try as well...especially since bill
    is as well
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    yes, bill must have awesome taste in movies since he is awesomely awesome, no?

    such a cool reason to go to the movies. be like the cool kids
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    [ QUOTE ]
    for both sides: if you're not secure enough in your Faith/or lack of, to go sit for two hours and watch a movie without being swayed then you probably should do some more soul searching...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Valid point of course for anyone that fits the criteria of some one not seeing this movie for the wrong reasons. I think for me it's not like that. I feel very content with my relationship with God. I just do not want to fund the creator of this franchise. The individual or individuals of this franchise openly despise Christianity and God. As a christian, why would i support that. Of course i am not making a dent in sales, and my stance is probably stupid to some but for me, it makes sense. I do not think anyone here or anywhere is wrong for seeing this movie. It's their choice. -Edited for less offense- smile.gif
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    [ QUOTE ]
    That's between them and God and their choices.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats great you don't want to see the movie but god has nothing to do with me and seeing this movie.

    There is no god.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    That's between them and God and their choices.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's a better way of saying this:

    "It's their choice"

    It says the individual has the freedom to see this movie as he wishes, without the implied guilt of it being seen as wrong in the eyes of YOUR god. Thanks.

    On that note, I enjoyed the movie, and hope the stories that follow are released as well. In the chance that doesn't happen, I'm interested in reading them.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    for both sides: if you're not secure enough in your Faith/or lack of, to go sit for two hours and watch a movie without being swayed then you probably should do some more soul searching...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Valid point of course for anyone that fits the criteria of some one not seeing this movie for the wrong reasons. I think for me it's not like that. I feel very content with my relationship with God. I just do not want to fund the creator of this franchise. The individual or individuals of this franchise openly despise Christianity and God. As a christian, why would i support that. Of course i am not making a dent in sales, and my stance is probably stupid to some but for me, it makes sense. I do not think anyone here or anywhere is wrong for seeing this movie. It's their choice. -Edited for less offense- smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that's perfectly valid. smile.gif

    but there, for a few of the populace, is this irrational fear that seeing a movie of this sort will somehow instantly invalidate their beliefs. that's what gets blasted all over the media, instant de-God'ing.. which hurts my brain meats that people can believe this drivel..
    and the opposite too. people avoided Narnia because it would put God into them... o.O

    my brain.. it hurts! polytwitch.gif
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    I saw this last night. GOD AWFUL. I really wasn't expecting that. I figured it would be decent enough - similar to Narnia or HP or the other pre-teen fantasy flicks. This movie was a pile of shit. Pacing was a fucking mess, story was idiotic pointless for the first half, and none of the characters were likable and/or dislikable. They were just there. A few of the effects at the beginning were cool and the vehicle designs were cool, but that's about it.

    The whole time I was comparing it to Stardust and wishing i was watching that instead. Or better yet, since this movie had a bear in it, I would rather watch Colin's bear animation for 2 hours straight.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    It's funny, prior knowledge of someone trying to influence you in a subtle fashion can make different people feel quite... Malleable.

    Call it paranoia, but if a person is so convinced they're being fed subliminal bullshit, and they can't quite nail what it is, the suggestion remains.

    Fuck. This movie sounds like the psychological and spiritual thriller of the century.
  • Mark Dygert
    "As a christian, why would i support that."
    Because, as an open minded individual you are open to debate and like to hear and see differing points of view so it gives you a good picture of what the other people in the world are thinking, seeing and doing. As a Christian who is rock solid in his faith you should not be threatened by a non Christian themed movie. I am sure you have watched many secular movies and not thought about it. But because the high muckiedy mucks think it could sway the weaker members of their flock they have advised against it. It is sad that they have so little faith in their members, kind of makes you wonder how much faith they actually have in other things. You not being weak in your faith should not have an issue...

    I'm pretty sure one of your religions prime directives is to engage those people and win them over. It's kind of hard to relate when you stay hold up in your holy huddle and only talk about good Christian films with your good Christian friends...

    Just my spin on it, far be it for me to direct you in the ways of your religion. Personally I would rather you not push your religion on others (especially here) so its fine if you do not want to see it and not engage in any debate about the movie. If you do wish to participate in the discussion at least barrow the book or dig up a free detailed non biased synopsis so you are not "supporting it" but you are at least clued in to what is going on. Honestly I do not think that your 7.50 will actually fund that much of future projects.
  • ryuju
    I can see not wanting to support something you dont agree with but if youre so adamant about not giving 7 dollars to the producers i hope you seriously consider things like buying clothes made in sweatshops. Im sure jesus would be much more concerned about the suffering of people than some movie. I cant wait to see the movie, i saw posters before and i thought it would be dumb but after the trailer i cant wait.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    this movie was painful to sit through

    shame, i really enjoyed the books
  • rooster
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I saw it and agree with Sectaurs. Basically, it was too rushed. The movie just blasts through the entire setup for the series, getting to the action so quick you never get much chance to 'live' in the world. You know how Fellowship of the Ring spent a good bit of time in the opening just being in Hobbiton? That would have helped. Golden Compass was less than two hours long, it could easily have benefitted from another thirty minutes to pace things out a bit.

    I could live with changes from the books, like Lyra's introduction, but the last three or four chapters were completely cut out. The novel ends on a cliffhanger, while the film just... ends. I guess they're covering their bets in case it's not popular enough to film the sequels.

    Basically, they pulled their punch - more time and mroe commitment to being in the material would have made a better flick. Still, it was gorgeous to look at, and Nicole Kidman gives a scary good performance. The actress for Lyra is excellent as well.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    You not being weak in your faith should not have an issue...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe he just finds the idea offensive?

    Really, I don't get what's so hard to understand. He's a christian, and faith is very important to him. His Dark Materials includes a line that says christianity is a 'very convincing mistake', and generally rails against it whenever it gets the chance.

    Maybe he just doesn't have any desire to read a book, or watch a movie, that repeatedly and openly insults his beliefs?

    So often, we say things like 'if you don't like it, don't go see[/play/read] it'. This guy said he's gonna do just that, and didn't make a big deal out of it, and you're calling him out for his quiet avoidance of something he doesn't like. Seems kinda trollish and low.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18

    they neutered all the feeling and emotional charge the story had so that when things actually happened, they didn't have weight.

    They really let Sam Elliot go wild on this project. "Hey Sam, that was pretty good, but I really think you can say 'reckon' a few more times to really drive home your salty cowboy persona."

    I also thought it was odd that they made the carriages and dirigibles oddly alt-history sci-fi. I was in love with that blimp until they showed them in the balloon part. fun designs, though.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I originally did not want to see that one as it all seemed too cheesy with talking puppies and such! Then I saw that short documentary about it, mentioning the idea of the pet mirror companion and wanted to see the movie just for that. This aspect of the world was really nicely put together and I think that's the only thing I'll remember from it. The rest was barely decent in my opinion, and *SPOILER* the bear fight finale is just not suitable for the target audience...

    As a whole, not worth it, thanks.

    Don't you guys worry about the so-called religion aspect of it. I don't see how this could possibly offend anyone... Weird.

    Also, screw that FAKE Brit accent! I hated it in V for vendetta and here it strikes again.

    Bah! Gorgeous art direction still.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    went to see this last night. Went in with higher hopes than i should have, because i did enjoy the book for the most part. Was really let down, just felt rushed, lots of detail shifted around to push the story along which killed the mystery of the characters.

    Wasn't happy they replaced the cut boy with billy, and he didn't have a fish frown.gif that was my favorite part of the book, albeit the darkest point.

    front to back felt like a load of shit. the ending being more of a let down.

    They NAILED the bears though, holy shit. Ian McKellan was fucking brilliant. Bears > the movie smile.gif ...and Nicole Kidman is still gorgeous.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    great visuals and concepts. as ADD-paced as i felt the story was, nothing seemed to be told or said. i find myself becoming more and more bored of fantasy fiction, lacking any desire to engage myself with the fun of it all, and upset to discover a conclusion was replaced with a $10 ticket on a stick that ultimatly doesn't seem all too appetizing.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, screw that FAKE Brit accent! I hated it in V for vendetta and here it strikes again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which character are you talking about? Nicole Kidman's?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well the kids mostly, and the maid (I think). It just irritated me... As for V for Vendetta, I thought Portmans accent was just ridiculous.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The main kid was actually from the UK... in fact I think most of the actors who were meant to be British were (apart from Kidman obviously). The only one I'm not sure about was the boy playing Roger, I can't find any info on where he's from.

    I haven't seen the film yet though so I can't comment on their actual accents smile.gif
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I dunno, it just felt forced in a way ... I actually love the Brit accent (can't get enough of Ricky Hatton!) but in that case it was just too much for my taste hehe :P
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You not being weak in your faith should not have an issue...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe he just finds the idea offensive?

    Really, I don't get what's so hard to understand. He's a christian, and faith is very important to him. His Dark Materials includes a line that says christianity is a 'very convincing mistake', and generally rails against it whenever it gets the chance.

    Maybe he just doesn't have any desire to read a book, or watch a movie, that repeatedly and openly insults his beliefs?

    So often, we say things like 'if you don't like it, don't go see[/play/read] it'. This guy said he's gonna do just that, and didn't make a big deal out of it, and you're calling him out for his quiet avoidance of something he doesn't like. Seems kinda trollish and low.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually I was calling him out as a Christian. Christians are not called to sequester themselves away from the world and hide in their churches with their holy friends, silently uttering judgment on the wickedness of others. Their faith is not a shield for them to use so they can blissfully ignore the other things in the world that happen the other 6 days of the week. They believe their faith is a parabola for them to shine into "the darkness". They are called to engage different cultures and follow the example of a man that spent his time hanging out with the unfavorable. A true Christian, strong in his faith has no problem going to see a "sinners" movie and talking calmly about what he believes. Just like the person he is called to emulate, would do. It's all fine for someone to claim to have a strong faith in something but if they don't ever put it to the test how strong is it really?

    My main point was, if you want to talk about the movie, be informed. Don't swallow the churches line of "its the devils movie, don't go see it". If you don't want to support the movie, fine don't there are other ways to get your information. As a Christian this movie gives him an opportunity to talk about the issues he believes he should be talking about with other people. Being ill informed will just cause him too sound so, and will cast the same shadow on others that share his same faith. I'm sure other Christians would prefer to not have their reputation tarnished more then it already is.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    This looks like the kind of movie I'd enjoy if I were....12
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I am Catholic, but the ideas behind the book and the movie sound awesome. My roommate has read the books and I got giddy when he explained the story to me.

    There shouldn't be a problem with anyone seeing the movie. While it is kind of silly that the author used his book to try and discredit Christians, it does not change the fact that it is an interesting story. Boycotting the movie and making a big deal of it is probably the response he expected, and was possibly hoping for.

    Really, I never push my beliefs upon anyone, so when someone tries to attack me for mine or put together an attempt to make me feel unintelligent, I simply ignore it or laugh because it has no effect on me. In fact, I think it is good for everyone to have conflicting opinions on God and the world. I would honestly expect more people to do the same.

    Back on topic: if you haven't read the books, would it make the movie any better? I know that was the case with a few things I've seen.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Irritant: the books are classified as Young Adult novels.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Irritant: the books are classified as Young Adult novels.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alas, I am old and will not relate laugh.gif
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    is it as po-faced and worthy as it seems from all the enormous swathes of promotional material?
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    fantastic visuals, storyline was full of holes and it bounced around so much I got bored of caring and just enjoyed the visuals effects. Highly doubtful that i'll be seeing any sequels.
    It seemed like it was trying to be as epic as LOTR, maybe if they spent a little more time developing the characters instead of moving story along faster it would of enjoyed it more.

    I want an armored Polar bear!
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    Read the book if you have the free time its pretty top notch, and if anyone takes the books as an attack on Christianity I don't recall any shit talking about Christ so I wasn't taken aback.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I think someon else said this, but it's the secondand third books where Pullman really gets his anti-religion on.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I really dug the movie. But I don't think they'll make the rest with the poor performance it had opening weekend. frown.gif
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