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More Cintiqs...time to bite the bullet

polycounter lvl 20
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ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 20
The new Cintiqs(and pricing) finally went up on the Wacom site and they look pretty awesome...

I like working on the 21ux at work but I'm leaning towards the new widescreen...thing is the new little cintiqs are bigger than my intuos 3 at home and are half the price of the 20WSX at $999...oh decisions confused.gif


  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    cintiq buying time!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    I'm gonna buy the 12WX after xmas. smile.gifsmile.gif
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    I think I'm in on some 12WX after xmas too. That thing looks sweet!
  • bounchfx
    WOW Do want!

    How much were the original Cintiq's again?
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    love my 2 21 inchers at work. its awesome having duel cintiqs, i can put all my tools on one monitor, paint textures and model back and forth, i usually have 3 things i am always working on at once and if i had to put down and pick up a mouse every time i wanted to access my other monitor i would kill myself. been working like this for about 6 months and i love it. if your at a company willing to get you duel cintiqs i would recommend it highly.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Dual Cintiqs! you bastard!

    Thanks for sharing Paul, I might go order a 12wx right now. This site looks good if anyone wants to order internationally, just be aware the warranty will probably be void once it ships. You can get an instant shipping quote once you register. >>


    EDIT: Actually, I heard from multiple sources the 12wx has lag issues frown.gif too bad I don't get to try before I buy. 20wsx looks quite sexy and nicely priced smile.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Dang, Arsh! Dual Cintiqs! I don't think my studio would even fork out for a single Cintiq.
    I'd love to get one, but it seems they are almost double the price here in Australia as to what is stated on the US site. If I hadn't recently picked up my second 24" LCD, I'd consider buying one.

  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    When I move I'll prolly get a new comp with this set...
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I just got the 21x for home. Couldn't handle working on my intuos after having a Cintiq at work.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    The more important question is whether the previous versions are now going to go down to half price like the Intuos ones do when they're superseded.
  • greenj2
    Lucky bugger Arsh. smile.gif

    I'd love to get one. The key word being "one" as I think a single Cintiq setup would blow the ass out of my budget, let alone a double.

    Thinking about the poor man's setup, I wonder if it's possible to have a Cintiq and a secondary monitor with a wacom hooked up to it? Use the same pen across both, save switching to a mouse for the second screen? crazy.gif
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Ive been afflicted with the gear lust, badly.

    Now i having trouble deciding. That 12 inch looks awesome for the fact that you can kick back and draw sketchbook style...but im wondering if ill find myself wishing id dished out the extra for a full size.
    What do you guys think?
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    holy shit it think its finally time for me to get one. And I was just getting used to my wacom again..
  • Bort
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    Bort polycounter lvl 18
    wee bump. Any brits that were thinking of importing a cheaper (but still too bloody much) 12"er from the states. The power brick is multi voltage (100-240) so all you would need to do is replace the american 3 pin power cable with a standard uk PC/kettle lead.

    Mine arrived today. Sailed through customs without a problem >;)

    No lag issues so far and I'm using it on a crappy pc (sempron 3000+(1.8), 1.5 gig ram and a 6600gt 128mb)
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    I got me a 12wx and I'm really diggin it so far.

    On a sort of related note; I have a few complaints with Wacom. They have been THE leading tablet manufacturer for over 10 years now. You would think that in those years they would have done the following by now..;

    --Price drop on their standard Intuos brand tablets. Since the Intuos 1 all they have done is reskinned it, added a few useless buttons and a touch stip that everyone disables in the settings. However the price remains basically the same. This wouldn't be such a big deal if the hardware they use to manufacture it was expensive, it's not.

    --Better software; All we basically get is drivers and the ability to program key strokes. No macro's, no hot key sets, nothing.. Just the basics. Anyone who is a Maya user knows how useful the marking menus are; Why not have that sort of menu, fully programmable on a Wacom? Press your marking menu function key, stroke the pen on the screen, and voila you just changed from brush to pencil tool.

    --Lower Cintiq prices; Everyone knows they are over priced. Stop being dicks and lower those prices. The screens they use are not specially manufactured. The rest of the hardware that makes up a Cintiq is basically the same.

    --Better parts support; No screen replacement for the Cintiq. Sooner or later you want to replace the plastic screen because it gets scratched through normal use. Guess what bitch, you can't.

    --Better colab with leading art apps; Photoshop supports pen tilt. When you use this feature you can change the rotation of the brush. Too bad the brush pointer icon doesn't show this change in orientation. In Painter you can have it show but it's clunky and annoying to look at. And there's no option to have it disappear when you make the stroke.

    --Better website; Their site rapes monkey ass, A ton of links that all basically go to the same place. They sell tablets, nothing else. There's no need for an overly complex site. Apparently their way of "Opening up new possibilities and celebrating the senses" is a shitty flash animation that pretentiously "shows" us how the masters work or gives us some quoted words of wisdom.

    --Group test/feedback; Do these guys know how artist's use their hardware? All those links on their site and none of it leads to a feeback section or support forum.

    final words; They are the leading tablet manufacturer because they own the wireless, batteryless pen technology patent and thoroughly exploit it. It's time they had some competition to pull their heads out of the clouds.

  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    tokidokizenzen - im sure they have calculated their strategies and think the current one is most profitable.
    Because of the lack of pretty much any competition they can afford to put in the bare minimum.
  • wup101
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Wacom are german and all the kit is made in japan.

    good for me because its all roughly half price of the UK here, but as tokidokizenzen, the logical germans are still reaping it in.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Trying to find a somewhat decently priced Cintiq here in Sweden. I bet that whatever you guys pay for one, I'm going to be paying at least 50% more. Probably 75-85% more -_-

    [EDIT] LOL, I was being cynical, but it was worse than I thought. The cheapest 12" Cintiq I could find is $1,500 and the next price level I discovered is $2,000.. confused.gif
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    cintiqs for me too! i'm having some of that 12WX.
    not very fond of too big surfaces at the moment.
  • ThE_BirD
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    ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 20
    Well I went ahead and picked up the 20WSX for home and really like it. It feels a little better built than my 21ux at work(although the work cintiq's almost 2 years old now). I thought I might miss the extra couple inches on the top and bottom but there's plenty enough edge space to rest your hand on.
    Good to hear the 12wx is working out so well too, one of the guys at work here picked one up and really likes it. If I ever get around to picking up a laptop I'm gonna have to look into it;)
  • Junglehermit
    SubPablo suggested I post my review of the 12WX here. I wrote this because I felt like there wasn't enough information available that really addressed the questions I had about the hardware while I was shopping around for it, and I'm hoping it helps those who are interested in the 12WX, but are unsure of whether or not it's the right tool for them.

    Cintiq 12WX Review

    A few pics (more in the actual review)

    If I've glossed over anything or if anyone has any questions, please let me know smile.gif

  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    3rd generation cintiq... almost affordable laugh.gif coworker picked up the 12wx... it's pretty cool, but I want the one bigger :B means I'll have to count pennies for a while... especially since I need a new computer first.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the review ParsleyButter! It really helps to have the 12wsx weighed against a tablet pc - something I've always been on the fence about buying. I have the feeling I'd be disappointed with a TPC as well if I made the purchase.
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    ParsleyButter, How bout those cables eh? eh? enough to strangle a squid. I've been taking my 12wx back and forth to work and man is it a chore. I'm going to give their tech a call and see what it costs to get a second set of chords and controller box. All i do is complain, sorry.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Nice, especially since the first marketing shots that came out gave some people the impression it was wireless. smile.gif I still want one! Thanks for the review parsleybutter
  • Junglehermit
    Gwot: Glad to hear you found the TPC comparison useful. It's a shame really, as it seems the technology really hasn't improved much since I got my TPC.

    tokidokizenzen: I like your handle :P Yea, the 12WX has a lot of cables, but it wasn't as bad as what I expected. I mean, most of it is stuff you can easily buy duplicates of, and work supplied me with DVI and power cables, so all I need are the ac adapter and converter box. It takes an extra minute or so for me to get set up at home or at the office, so I don't find the cables too much of a hassle. But I'd also like to know how much the extra cables and box cost :P

    Thanks for reading! smile.gif
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    ParsleyButter, I just called their tech support and asked about the converter box. They said it's currently unavailable since the product is so new. The rep told me that other people have called about the same issue and they plan on making it available in the future. He said to keep checking the accessories section of their website. frown.gif

    Snowfly: I'm a fan of your artwork. I highly reccomend the 12wx. Using it is so much fun and has rekindled my interest in sketching digitally.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Thanks for the review! The typical 2048 texture screenratio is exactly the info I was looking for.

    As for the cables, is there a way to get a longer 12WX cable? The one that goes out of the converter, on the bottom right of your pic. I would love to have one of 5 meters long (that'd be like, 15feet?) to be able to move the tablet from my work area to my bed or sofa... since I don't want to move around with a laptop, the 12WX, and all them cables.
    How long is the provided 12WX cable btw? I guess I could get DVI, USB and power extenders but it's like a pain... Also what voltage does the box accept? Both 220 and 115 I guess?

    Thank you for your help everyone! I also feel there is quite some info missing from the Wacom pages.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    actually the squidbox is pretty nice... they combine it into 1 cable that goes into the tablet... before on 1st gens when I had a chance to use them, there'd be like 3 cables that came out the back of it... the 18" model was sweet with it's rotation function, but it wasn't as mobile looking cause of all the cables.
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    squidbox ha!

    Hey pior that cable you speak of is about 2 meters long. The end that connects to the tablet is "hardwired" in there. The only way I would think you could extend it is if Wacom released and extension. There's also a possibility that it just cannot be extended, the longer a wire gets the more resistance..
  • Junglehermit
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the review! The typical 2048 texture screenratio is exactly the info I was looking for.

    As for the cables, is there a way to get a longer 12WX cable? The one that goes out of the converter, on the bottom right of your pic. I would love to have one of 5 meters long (that'd be like, 15feet?) to be able to move the tablet from my work area to my bed or sofa... since I don't want to move around with a laptop, the 12WX, and all them cables.
    How long is the provided 12WX cable btw? I guess I could get DVI, USB and power extenders but it's like a pain... Also what voltage does the box accept? Both 220 and 115 I guess?

    Thank you for your help everyone! I also feel there is quite some info missing from the Wacom pages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hi Pior. I think there generally is a severe lack of information regarding most products, unfortunately.

    According to the AC Adapter:
    Input: 100-240V~, 50/60Hz
    Output: 12V

    I don't know if a cable extender would be a good idea for the 12WXs video. I recall skimming through the manual and it saying that would lead to display errors, but I could be wrong. I'll have to check it more thoroughly tonight smile.gif

    As for the length of the bundled DVI cable...I'll have to check that tonight too :P
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I'm looking at getting a 12WX in the next few weeks, and was wondering how they'd go with an existing dual monitor setup. I still want to keep my dual 24" LCDs and have the Cintiq cranking as well. Does anyone know if this is actually possible with only a single graphics card (2xDVI output)?

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey Parsley, thanks for the voltage info, that's good to know!
    Casey from what I understand you would need one extra videocard to fully use the extra screen that the Cintiq is. But maybe it you can clone the display using some box... but then I assume you would have to run your second screen and your 12WX at the same rez - that would be weird.

    Also ... anyone thought about pairing the 12WX with this ?
    No screen, no keyboard, no mouse. Just this small thing, Photoshop and a Cintiq. Nicely sitting at the corner of the sofa. Yum! Everyone I have been asking for feedback about this idea goes 'Aaaaaaw that would be slick!' but there might be drawbacks I am missing... Hmm like the 949USD pricetag.

    Would this run decent 3D? no fancy shaders, but at least a 3d and a sculpting app?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks, pior. I'll keep investigating to be sure.
    And that does look slick! All these options! GAAHH!

  • adamlewis
    That setup does sound really nice pior. I think if you bumped the memory on it to two gigs it would at least run Zbrush very nicely. Zbrush is dependent mainly on processor speed and ram, both of which are more than adequate with the Mac Mini. With Mudbox on the other hand, that relies quite heavily on the GPU so you might run into problems with the Mac Mini's integrated graphics.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    I'm sure that if Wacom knocked down their prices a bit, people would buy more, and thus they would make more bank. Stupid Wacom. I'm stickin to my intuos until I'm not a poor student.
    P.S- What the hell was Wacom thinking with that new logo? Ugh.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    My Cintiq 12WX is coming in the mail on Monday laugh.gif Can't wait!

    Casey: I can test the dual screen thing out for you once I get mine and let you know how it works, I think Pior may be right but there could be a workaround...
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I talked to a friend of mine that knows quite a bit about the monitor stuff, and he says that you could maybe get it working by having two video cards or by using a Matrox box to setup multiple displays, but not really sure if that will work with the Cintiq or not... mostly it sounds like it would be a pain in the ass to get it all working :P
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    That would be awesome, hobodactyl. If I had to use a Cintiq as a second monitor, then I'd have to buy a 21 instead of the 12 and then somehow get rid of one of my 24" LCDs.
    Let me know how you go with it, dude.

  • Junglehermit
    Wish I could help you out a little more Casey, but I don't already have a dual monitor set up....:P

    About the cloning option...I think it's only possible to clone across displays hooked up to a single video card. I wouldn't recommend trying to clone with the 12WX though. I tried that when I first got it and you'll be forced to run both displays at the same resolution.

    A DVI-capable Matrox solution sounds a little pricey, but it should get the job done. I suppose you could span both your 24" displays across the Matrox, and have the 12WX hooked up to your primary video card?

    Anyway, a friend of mine requested more pics of the 12WX, so I figured I might as well post it here:



  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I've been using mine for a couple of days. I run mine as an extension of my desktop, and I love it! It comes set up to switch displays, I'll be posting some of the stuff I've been working on later.

    Casey: Yeah, unless you buy some extra hardware there's not really anything to even try, there may be SOME way to do it, but it's basically just like hooking up 3 monitors, which I think you pretty much need a Matrox box for. So you may just want to go with the 21", or get two of those, like Arsh :P

    Did I mention I love it? :P It's awesome being able to just hold it in my lap and sketch away!
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Wow, it looks much thinner than I expected it to be. Thanks for posting the pics

    Im really tempted but I don't want to kill one of my major motivations for DomWar3 just yet...so I'll have to wait.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for all the input, guys. I might actually end up getting a 21" and then just getting rid of my second 24" LCD. I'm kinda hoping I can scam something with work where they can cover half the cost and I'll just use it in the studio during my employment here.
    I guess if push comes to shove, I can always unplug one of the monitors while I'm using the Cintiq (that is if I settle for a 12"), and just switch back when I'm not using it.

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